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once the water is boiling, place the eggs in for about 6 minutes for a hard boiled egg. if want more runny 1 min earlier

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Q: What is the average number of minutes for boiling eggs?
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How do parents care for there baby quail?

Because quail eggs are small, they take less time to cook. If you want a hard-boiled egg, then allow eggs to stay in boiling water for 4 minutes. For soft-boiled eggs, the time in boiling water should be between 2.5 to 3 minutes.

What period of time do boiling eggs get ready?

Depending on the atmospheric pressure where you live, 5-30 minutes.

You have got three eggs in the pot you want to boil them and each egg takes 3 minutes of boiling how many minutes will you have to wait till the eggs are ready?

this is a trick question if you boil the water in the pan and place all three eggs inside at the same time then it will only take 3 minutes for all the eggs to be ready

What is the average number of eggs a spider lays at one time?

180 eggs

What is the the average number of eggs produced by the great horned owl?

The average number of eggs in a clutch is two although the Great Horned Owl can have as few has one egg and as many as five eggs.

What is the number of eggs a blue jay has?

their average is 4 eggs a year but range is 3-6 eggs.

Is boiling eggs for ten minutes safe?

Yes- the worst thing that can happen (as long as all the water doesn't boil away) is that the eggs will become overcooked and not taste very good. If you want to hardboil an egg, you bring the eggs/water to a boil and let it simmer for 10-20 minutes.

What is the besst way to hard boil eggs?

put eggs in boiling water with a little salt and cook for 10 minutes, run under cold water for a minute that will make it easier to peel them.

How long do you boil eggs to make hard boiled eggs?

To hard boil 15 medium size hens eggs will take 10 minutes if you put them all in the same pan and boil them at the same time.

How long do you boil quails eggs to produce a not too runny yolk?

Quails eggs are yummy. Bring your salty water to boil and gently drop your eggs into the water: 2 minutes for a runny yolk or 3 minutes for a stiffer one. If eggs were refrigerated, it will crack as soon as it touches the boiling water. In this case, start with the eggs already in tap salted water, bring to a gentle boil and simmer for 2 to 3 minutes. Take off the heat and run under cold water for a few minutes, peel and enjoy.

How long do you boil the perfect egg soft and runny?

Put eggs in water and bring to a boil. Remove pot from heat as soon as boiling temperature is reached. Keep the lid on so that the water remains at slightly below boiling point. Recommended times to start with, but you may have to experiment, as the actual time required also depends on the size of the eggs, the number of eggs, the temperature of the eggs when they're placed in the pot, and the temperature of the water: Semi-liquid throughout... cook 2-3 minutes Soft boiled eggs; barely solid outer white; milky inner white; warm yolk; spooned from shell... cook3-5 minutes

What is the average number of offspring for a bumblebee?

2000 eggs a day!! :)