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Q: What is the average number of working weeks in a month?
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How many weeks in an average month?

Average number of weeks in a month is 52 / 12 = 4.3333 (4 and one third).

How many work days are there in a month?

It depends on how many days the month has, and if there are any national or other holidays. There are usually 5 working days per week, 20 working days in the first four weeks of any given month. The average number of working days per month is 21 (5 x 52 weeks, minus 7 to 9, divided by 12), with the minimum 18 and the maximum 23.

How many weeks is 30 months?

30 weeks (210 days) is about 7 months. (6.9 average months) There is no fixed number of days in a month, but the average is 30.4 days a month.

How do you calculate weeks in a month?

Number of weeks = number of days in the month/7 .

How many weeks on average are there in a week?

I'm assuming you mean how many weeks average in a month. The answer is 4.33 weeks average. There are 52 weeks in a year.

52 weeks how many months?

A month has about 4.35 weeks on average; I suggest you divide by that number to convert.

How many average weeks are in a month?

On average there are about 4.3 weeks in a month. Each week is 7 days, and there are normally either 30 or 31 days in a month, so there are usually between 4.2 and 4.4 weeks per month. The exception is February because it has fewer days, so there are about 4 weeks in that month.

How long is pregnancy in weeks?

The time for pregnancy can vary between individuals, sometimes quite sharply for certain cases. The average time for human gestation is 9 months, so that is 9 x 4 = 36 weeks. Although the average number of weeks per month (if you average it out over a year) is 4.33 weeks per month, so human gestation is closer to 39 weeks.

How many working weeks are there each month in 2009?


How do you calculate a month?

working off of an average in weeks 4 and 1-3, in days 30.4375, in hours 730.5, in min. 43830, in sec. 2629800

How many months is 150 working days?

150 working days, excluding Monday holidays, would be 30 weeks. This is approximately 7 months, using an average month of 30.4 days.

How many months are in 44 weeks?

As you probably know, different months have a different amount of days. The long-term average is about 4.35 weeks a month, so to convert from weeks to months, you can divide by that number.