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Probably around 65-80% poor things

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Q: What is the average percent of beaten and neglected animals in the US daily?
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What fraction of animals die from being beaten?

About a third of the animals that people own die each year from being beaten and killed for food.

What would be wrong with a dog that is normally friendly and fun loving but has been timid and shy the past couple of days?

Its probably being beaten or neglected

How many dogs are beaten every year?

There is a very scary statisic but i think its every 10 or 20 seconds a dog is beaten...My dog that i have was beaten before we got her and the lady said its everyday they get at least 30 dogs in or find at least 30 dogs that have been beaten and neglected..the statisic are as scary as the child abuse rate...Scary stufff =/

What is first burnt then beaten then stepped on by animals with long faces?


How often are animals beaten?

many times a day all around the world

How were animals treated in the Victorian Circuses?

beaten, shocked, kicked, or cruelly confined

What were the reasons for the founding of the ASPCA?

The ASPCA was made to fight animal abuse and save the abused animals. The actual original reason that the foundation was created was because the founder was astounded that some people could have the heart to abuse horses, who he thought were beautiful, gentle, loving creatures who worked willingly for humans, only to be beaten and neglected.

How many animals are beated every day?

267-300 a day are beaten up

How many animals are thrown out of homes?

millions of animals are thrown or beaten or even killed by cruel owners every year... its sad......

What is aspca's mission and goals?

The last time i heard was that there missions and goals was to get every beaten, neglected, and unwanted animal off the streets. and to get every animal a rightfull place with a lovong caring family

What is the difference between disciplining an animal and actually abusing the animal?

When you discipline an animal, sometimes that's all it takes is a harsh word or a tap. Abuse is when the animal is beaten for no reason, or ignored or neglected.

What are some dieseses that animals can have?

some dieseses that animals can have are somrube that is when the animal has been beaten and died three years before it's 15th birthday