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Settlements can vary widely, even the most minor-looking of accidents can result in a big settlement. Generally the goal is to fairly compensate a victim for the damages caused to the vehicle and the overall health of the victim(s).

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Q: What is the average settlement amount for minor car accident in Ohio?
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What is typical amount for auto accident settlement with minor injury?

The amount typical is commensurate to the actual damages and accompanying losses incurred by the claimant.

What is the average settlement amount for minor car accidents in Massachusetts?

All losses are settled on their own merit, they are all investigated and evaluated. It all depends on the nature of the injury, disfigurement, disablitliy and on and on, an 'average' wouldn't be of any help. The damage is repaired to pre loss condtion. Also the term 'minor accident' is so subjective.

What is minor accident?

A fender bender is a minor accident.

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Some people thing an accident is a windfall, however this is rare. Usually-- The damage to the car+ The cost for adjudication+ The cost for lost work and time+ The medical costs (assuming no permanent injuries)+ Pain and suffering+ Add it up see if you can collect.

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It just means that the car is worth $10 less then the retail value because of title history. Maybe no factory service records, a minor accident something like that. The most I have seen a car with an amount deducted was $300 for a severe accident, and a minor accident.

How long after a minor accident does the other party have to claim before?

You have 1 Year after a minor accident to have a claim

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The settlement in Italy is smaller and spread out, compared to the one in Asia minor, which is bigger and all clumped together in a smaller region.

Did Asia minor have Asia settlement?

. . . Yes

What is the difference between a major and a minor car accident?

Currently researching same and so far have found only that a 'minor' accident is consists of soft tissue damage only...Additional: It also can depend on the law of your particular jurisdiction. Some states have dollar limits on the damage, above which it is REQUIRED that you report the accident (to the police/DMV/whoever) and this 'set' dollar amount is the customary separation between "minor' and 'major' in PROPERTY DAMAGE accidents.

When should you sign a release after an accident with minor injuries?

It really comes down to when you are ready to accept the negotiated amount of the settlement. If you feel an offer is acceptable and you do not forsee any future treatment for your injuries, then sign it. If not, then you can either negotiate the projected amount for your future treatment with the insurance adjuster and resolve it then or you can just wait until all of your treatment is finished and then sign the release after an acceptable offer has been made to you.

How long after a minor auto accident do you have to file a auto accident report with the police when they did not come when we called at the time of the incident in Ohio?

It depends on what you define as "minor." I believe every state has a MINIMUM damage amount beyond which you MUST report the collision. Of course, if the accident resulted in personal injury NO MATTER HOW SLIGHT, it MUST be reported regardless of the damage amount. Some states have very low dollar threshhold set, so be certain to check your state's laws on this matter.

What if you are a licensed minor driving your parents uninsured car and get into an accident where you were at fault should the judgment be placed on the minor or the parents?

You should get in trouble because you caused the accident.