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Most carp run between ten and twenty pounds as adults, but can exceed fifty pounds.

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Q: What is the average size of a carp?
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Can Asian carp be as long as a man?

Asian carp can grow up to a 110 pounds or more and measure in length of 4 feet. Average size is around 40 pounds.

How long does it take for a carp to grow to full size?

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What size is the biggest common carp?

The biggest carp in the world weighed 73.75 lbs. and was caught by Courtney Rankin!!!

Do people fish for carp?

Yes, many people fish for carp because they like to eat it. Carp can grow to enormous size which makes for an exciting catch with rod and reel. In the sport of bow fishing carp are a preferred target due to their size and abundance in many lakes, rivers and streams.

How much are Carp fish worth?

Carp - Approx £1000 Per 10lb . each 2lb goes up £200. Approx, depending on type and size of Carp.

How would you fish for grass carp?

Yes, many people fish for carp because they like to eat it. Carp can grow to enormous size which makes for an exciting catch with rod and reel. In the sport of bow fishing carp are a preferred target

What is the average length of the common carp?

About 12-14 inches

What is a bighead carp?

A bighead carp is any of the species of the genus Hypophthalmichthys, especially Hypophthalmichthys nobilis, the species which reaches the largest size, and is found in East Asia.

What is the average price for a carp chair?

The average price for a carp chair ranges from 40 GBP all the way up to 110 GBP on eBay. Amazon typically sells the same type of chair for about 30 GBP.

Take out 6 letters from escarpment to mak a fish?

Carp the answer is CARP

What is the name of all the fish in the Carp family?

The carp we commonly refer to when using that name are the common carp, the grass carp, the bighead carp, the silver carp and the Crucian carp. Certainly there are other fish is this very large family. You may recognize koi as carp, and there are many other members of this group of fish. A full list of them would number in three digits.

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