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Total distance travelled, divided by the time taken.

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Q: What is the average speed of the particle?
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Measure of the average speed of the particle of a substance?


Is it possible to have a situation in which the speed of a particle is always zero but the average speed is not zero?

No. If the speed is always zero, then the average of its speed at any two points in time is also zero.

What happens to the average speeds of the particles in a gas when the gas's tempeature is increased?

The average particle speed increases.

Average velocity of a particle is zero but not its average speed .. is it possible?

Yes, it is possible. Average velocity takes into account both the magnitude and direction of motion, and can be zero if the particle moves back and forth. However, average speed only considers the total distance travelled over time, and can be non-zero even if the velocity is constantly changing.

What is the average speed of particle motion of substances with a large amount of thermal energy?

Substances with a large amount of thermal energy have higher average speeds of particle motion. This is because thermal energy increases the kinetic energy of particles, causing them to move faster. The average speed of particle motion can be quantified using temperature, where higher temperatures correspond to higher average speeds of particles.

Would you expect the motions of particles in all state of matter to increase or decrease as ths temperature increase?

The general tendency is for the average speed of particles to increase as temperature increases.But please note that temperature can't be DEFINED simply as the average speed; it is more closely related to the average ENERGY per particle. And the energy for each particle depends on the SQUARE of the speed; but it also depends on the mass of the particle.

What is the distance traversed by the particle between 0 seconds and 6 seconds?

The distance, expressed in inches, is(1.2) x (the particle's average speed, in feet per minute) .

Is it possible to get more speed then light to the particle with accelerator?

No, according to the theory of relativity, it is impossible for any particle with mass to reach or exceed the speed of light. Accelerators can increase the speed of particles to high fractions of the speed of light, but they cannot exceed it.

What can be said about the speed of a particle if the net work done on it is zero?

If the net work done on a particle is zero, it means that the kinetic energy of the particle is not changing. Therefore, the speed of the particle remains constant.

If you add heat energy to a substance what happens to the speed of the particle motion?

The speed of particle motion will increase as heat energy is added to a substance. This is because heat causes the particles to have more kinetic energy, resulting in faster movement.

How does average particle speed affect the reaction rate?

As the speed of the particles increase, it causes them to collide with the other particles in which they are reacting with more frequently, increasing the reaction rate.

The speed time graph of a particle moving along a fixed direction is shown belowobtain the distance traveled by the particle between t equals 0 and t equals 10swhat is the average speed of the partic?

On a speed time graph, the distance can be calculated by working out the area underneath the line. To work out the distance travelled between t=0 and t=10 you would need to find these two values and then work out the area on the graph of the shape bound by the line of the particle, the x axis, t=0 and t=10. The average speed of the particle is the distance (calculated above) divided by 10.