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Q: What is the average weight of a woman's purse?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a purse and a wallet?

A purse is a womans wallet- It is called a purse because of its longer shape and the way it unfolds

How much does a real Prada purse cost?

The average purse is about $20.00

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What is the average price for a Chanel purse?

The average price of a Chanel purse depends on the make, model, and design of the purse. Prices for Chanel purses range from $1250 all the way up to $10,000 dollars. This leaves the median price of a Chanel purse around $3000 to $4000.

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What is the average price of a Burberry Purse?

"According to where you shop for one, and what style it is, a Burberry purse will usually average between $500.00 and $1,500.00 US dollars when purchased brand new."

What are the benefits of carrying a change purse?

Carrying a change purse is beneficial because the purse is much lighter than a typical handbag. Large and heavy handbags can lead to neck, back and shoulder pain. The risk of injury due to weight is much less when carrying a change purse.

What is the dirtiest thing in your household?

Honestly You may not believe this , But the bottom of a womans purse/ bag is the dirtiest thing. Because when you in public washrooms, outside , youre first instinct is to set your bag down ,

What is wonder womans weight?

140 pounds I got the answer from The Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Princess by Scott Beatty

How do you make purses out of candy wrappers?

for small purses, the candy wrappers will serve only as a design on the purse not the purse it self because it cannot handle too much weight

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How expensive is a michael kors purse?

They are a bit pricier than your average store brand. Depending on the purse style you choose, the prices range from about $140 to $350 for Michael Kors purses.