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It's longitudinal axis

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Q: What is the axis where the airplane yaws?
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What are 3 axis on an airplane?

Pitch, Roll and Yaw The Axis that is aligned with the fuselage of the airplane is the main X-axis. Rotation about this axis is called Roll. If the nose goes Up or Down this is the Pitch. Rotation about the Vertical axis is Yaw or when the tail goes from side to side.

Is Yaws considered armed and dangerous?

is yaws considered armed and dangerous

What do the elavators on an airplane do?

The elevator section of an airplane is located in the aft of the airplane, or on the little wings in the back section of the airplane. The elevators move the airplane on its vertical axis, thereby making the airplane climb or descend.

What is a roll on an airplane?

That is when the aircraft rotates around it's axis.

What is the bacteria that can cause yaws?

The bacteria that can cause yaws is called Treponema pallidum. Yaws is a disease that mostly affects young children in warm, tropical climates such as those in Africa and Southeast Asia.

Is yaws unicellular?


How is the organism transmitted to other victims?

like when you have a cut are something then yaws gets in your cut and then it gets infected and then you have yaws . . . .

Inerita is the law of what?

the law of inertia states that:A body will preserve its velocity and direction so long as no force in its motion's direction acts on it.For example : a package thrown out of an airplane will continue to move at the speed of the airplane on the horizontal axis (in the direction of the airplane's movement). Since the law of gravity acts on the package (a vertical downward axis), the package will gather speed along the vertical axis, but on the horizontal axis its speed will remain equal to that of the airplane.

Why rhymes with Dawes?

laws, yaws

How many people are inffected by yaws?

It is estimated that around 64,000 people are infected with yaws worldwide, primarily in tropical and subtropical regions in Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Yaws is a bacterial infection that affects mainly children in low-income areas with poor sanitation and limited access to healthcare.

What is the prognosis for a patient with yaws?

Without treatment, yaws is a terribly disfiguring chronic illness. With appropriate treatment, the progression of the disease can be completely halted.

How does yaws attack and spread?

by mouth and smooching