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Q: What is the background of the study in making salt water battery?
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What can you substitute for blotting paper when making a battery?

You can use very small paper towel pieces soaked in salt water. Trust me, this will work. I am currently using this for my battery-making science project.

Why do battery water dry up?

Lot of use can be from poor connections causing lots of use making the battery use up water. just got to keep filling up when this happens. The charging system may be overcharging the battery, have the system tested.

What is battery water made up of?

battery water is distilled water

How do you top the battery water?

Use distilled water. If the battery is a sealed battery you cannot add any water.

What element is in battery?

An auto battery is basically a hard plastic case, with a series of thin lead plates making up an extensive gridwork inside of it, and filled with a water/sulfuric acid solution.

Can you put sugar water in your battery?

Can you put sugar water in battery

Can you put water in your ATV battery?

you can put water in every battery...if the atv battery is bone dry then put water in it but only use distilled water and not tap water.

Why is an understanding of properties of water important to the study of cells?


Can water work in a acid battery?

Water is required in a lead acid battery.

What the use of the mineral water to battery?

Add nothing but distilled water to a battery.

How many percent of water in battery acid?

the more the battery is charged, the less water. dead battery is close to 100% water. charged battery is close to 90 - 100% sufuric acid

What happens if Spring water is added to a car battery?

You will shorten the life of the battery. Only add Distilled water to a battery.