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Nuclear energy--- as in, nuclear power plants--- have quite a few bad effects.

1) Carbon Dioxide. Building and running nuclear power plants omits a lot of Carbon Dioxide into the air. (Too much Carbon Dioxide could lead to global warming)

2) Low-level Radiation. Long term exposure to low level radiation has been shown to effect the surrounding plants and wildlife.

3) Water Cooling System. To stop the power plant form over-heating, workers take water from oceans and rivers- sometimes fish get caught in the water trap and are soon killed. Also, the excess water is returned approximately 25 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it was before. The new temperature kills off some fish and plant life.

4) Nuclear waste. It's usually kept under the power plant, but once there's no more room, there's nowhere else to leave it.

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Q: What is the bad effect of nuclear energy in environment?
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