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Q: What is the balance plants maintain that prevents them from losing too much water?
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what is the balance plants maintain to prevent them from losing too much water?

Plants use to keep balance in the rate of transpiration by leaves and absorption of water by the roots. If transpiration increases and absorption does not increase, the young leaves start wilting so that the rate of transpiration can be mi minimized.

What maintains the balance of CO2 and O2 in the atmosphere?

plants maintain balance of co2 and o2 in the atmosphere..

How plants maintain water balance?

by closing stomataPlants maintain water balance through a process called Homeostasis ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its stomata.

What is one significant effect of vascular plants?

they help maintain ecological balance by preventing desertification.

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How do plants and animals maintain a balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

The balance can be maintained through their deaths which means they have fossil fuels which get mined and combusted back into CO2 again.

How do the plants help the soil?

plants prevents soil eroison

What structure prevents from escaping a plants leaves?

The cuticle prevents water from escaping a plant's leaves.

Animals help keep the gases in the atmosphere in balance by?

Plants and animals help to maintain a balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Photosynthesis releases oxygen and cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide.

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How does the function of the cell wall help plants survive in extremely wet and dry conditions?

the cell wall provides protection to the plant cell, helps maintain the cell shape, and prevents excessive intake of water.