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stuart Carle

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Q: What is the base word of crayon?
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Words hidden in the word 'crayon' are:aonrayrayonyon

What does des crayon mean in French?

The English word for "Des Crayon" is "The Pencil".

Is crayon a short or long a word?

Is crayon is a long vowel sound ?

Is a crayon considered a mineral?

No. It is wax and a color base.

What are the vowels in the word crayon?

"Crayon" has two vowels, A and O. The letter Y is a consonant in this word. The word "crayon" is syllabicated as cray • on. That means the "ay" would be considered a vowel team. With the "o" in the second syllable....crayon has three vowels.

Is crayon nouns?

Yes, the word "crayon" is a noun; a word for a pencil or stick of colored chalk or wax, used for drawing; a word for a thing.

What is the English word for the French word crayon?

a pencil

What is the french word for pencial?


Is crayon a long a word?


Is a crayon a noun?

Yes, the word "crayon" is a noun; a word for a pencil or stick of colored chalk or wax, used for drawing; a word for a thing.

What is the parts of speech of the word crayon?

A crayon is a noun because it is a thing and nouns are persons, places, or things.