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Q: What is the basic distinction in the world that Paine questions in the excerpt?
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I am sorry but this question can't be answered because we don't know the excerpt you were given.

What is the definition of basic economic questions?

Basic economic questions all deal with scarcity. These type of questions must be asked so that economic decisions will be made that are beneficial.

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Human Rights is what Paine saw as the global significance of the American struggle for independence. Other basic human rights like right of expression were also very important.

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The basic questions of a journalist: the five W's and the H, for how.

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Basically some basic US history and politics questions.

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One basic question is for whom goods and services are produced.

The basic economic questions are answered as you have always done?


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Who is prouducing what are they prouducing and how are they producing

What is the primary role in basic science?

To answer questions about the physical universe

What is the Study of basic questions of reality and human existence?

The study of basic questions of reality and human existence is known as philosophy. Philosophers seek to understand fundamental concepts such as truth, knowledge, existence, values, mind, and reason through critical thinking and rational inquiry. They explore these questions through various branches of philosophy such as metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and logic.