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Q: What is the basic goal to allowing amendments to be added to the constitution?
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The basic right guarenteed to each individual were added after the constitution had been written for the purpose of gaining ratification of the constitution these 10 amendments are known as?

bill of rights

What is the difference between the bill of rights and the constitution?

The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution. It is the name for the first ten amendments of the Constitution.

What did the Federalists agree to in order to gain support for the new constitution?

The Federalists agreed to add amendments to protecting basic rights in support of a new constitution.

Why were the first ten amendments added to the constitution?

The first ten amendments were added to the Constitution because the Antifederalists didn't trust the government and didn't think they would give them rights! Basically, the first ten amendments known as the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution as a compromise between the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists.

What do most amendments to the constitution proposed by congress do?

The amendments change the constitution, either adding new rules or changing old ones. In the US Constitution, the first 10 amendments (the Bill of Rights) essentially prevented the new federal government from usurping the basic rights that the country was founded to provide.

What are the basic principles of the first and fourth amendments of the constitution?

The fourth amendment protects you against unfair searches and seizures, and searches without warrant or probable cause.

What is the bill right and was in the constitution?

The Bill of rights is the first 10 amendments to the constitution and they lay out your basic rights.

What is the basic structure of the constitution?

The basic structure of the Constitution is: The Preamble - states the purpose and the goals of the Constitution The Articles - lay out the specifics for separation of power and rights of each branch of Gov The Amendments - additions to the Constitution

What are the provisions in the constitution that protect rights?

The basic "rights" are contained in the first ten amendments.

What was the main purpose of the three amendments?

to free and grant basic rights to slaves

What is the bill of rigts?

It is the first ten Amendments to the Constitution of the US.

What did the federalist agree to in order to gain support for the the constitution?

adding amendments to protect basic rights