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Mechanical waves are "typed" based on the way the medium moves to propagate the energy of the wave. The wave could compress the medium longitudinally, like in the way sound moves. It could also cause the medium to move vertically, like a wave on the surface of water. And let's consider the case of a long, loose spring. Hold it at one end, stretch it a little bit, and take the other end and move it laterally (side to side).

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Q: What is the basis for the way mechanical waves are organized?
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How do you described waves?

Wave is just a disturbance in a regular/periodic/organized way.

What is the basis of grouping animals?

The basis of grouping animals is to classify them. This provides an easy and organized way to study and learn about a species.

Are there other waves besides electromagnetic and mechanical?

Quantifying the number of types of waves in fact reduces to the problem of quantifying the number of forces. In fact, mechanical waves are a subset of electromagnetic waves, so there are in fact three other types of waves on top of electromagnetic, for the three other fundamental forces: strong nuclear, weak nuclear, gravitational. Mechanical movement can be caused by any of the four fundamental forces. *Short answer: no. By the way, mechanical waves require a medium, where EM waves do not. They are the only, two, separate types of waves.

How mechanical waves generate?

If you take a bowl of Jello and shake it gently that is one way.

How to generate mechanical waves?

If you take a bowl of Jello and shake it gently that is one way.

Mechanical waves are classified according to what?

Mechanical waves transfer energy via oscillations in a medium of some kind. That said, we classify mechanical waves according to the direction of the oscillations of the media. There are thee. Surface waves travel at the junction of two mediums, like water waves travel at the junction of water and air. Longitudinal waves travel in the same direction as the wave is moving, and sound moves this way via compression and rarefaction of the media. Picture the forward and back motion of a speaker cone moving air to create sound. Transverse waves see the medium moving side to side, and a long, flexible spring will do this if it is gently stretched and held at one end while the other end is wiggled right and left.

What is the passage of an EM wave through a medium?

when EM waves encounter a material medium, they can interact with it in much the same way that mechanical waves do. A mechanical wave transfer energy in two ways. As it travels, the wave moves potential energy from one place to another.

What are two ways waves can form?

Waves can form through mechanical processes, such as wind blowing over water, which creates ocean waves. They can also form through non-mechanical processes, such as seismic activities causing earthquakes and generating seismic waves.

Does Light travels in waves and sound is a form of energy that travels in mechanical waves through a medium?

Sound is a form of energy that travels "through" a mechanical medium. Light can be modelled as waves in certain circumstances. No mechanical medium is detectable, so either there is no medium, or the medium also propagates all matter the same way (Lorentz aether). The photoelectric effect shows that, just like sound is just motions of particles, so is light. electromagnetic

Can you describe the similarities of wavelength amplitude frequency and speed of mechanical and electromagnetic waves?

There is absolutely no similarity between amplitude, frequency and the speed of mechanical and electromagnetic waves. All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed. It does not matter if they have a great big amplitude, a high frequency, or whatever. An ittsie bitty gamma ray travels at the same speed as a great big radio wave. A sound wave, loud or soft travels at the same speed. The way a mechanical wave travels depends on the material.

Is it well-organized or well organized?

The correct way to say it is well-organized or organized well

Turn electrical energy into mechanical energy?

The main principle of an electric motor is converting the electrical energy in to mechanical energy.when electricity flows in a closed circiuit it exhibits electromagnetic waves around similar this passion when coil of copper wire are placed in between magnetic poles,when electicity flows in the coil,the magnetic waves by the coil are reflected by the magnetic poles we placed so this in turn produces torque..That is mechanical work in this way we can turn electrical energy into mechanical energy