

What is the battle called when Germany invaded Belgium?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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The Battle of the Bulge, because Germany pushed back the Defensive border of Belgium until there was a large bulge pointing into Belgium from Germany.

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Q: What is the battle called when Germany invaded Belgium?
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the answer is Germany bazically i am sorry i don't know much more.

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In World War 1 where did Germany begin its war offensive and what happened there?

Germany invaded Belgium, using a strategy called the Schleiffen Plan. As troops swept across Belgium, thousands of civilians fled in terror. In Brussels, the Belgian capital, an American war correspondent described the first major refugee crisis of the 20th century.

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The Allies of Belgium are basically France & Britain. Because the German attack comes through Belgium, Britain acts to defend Belgiums neutrality. There is much conflict around Ypres as well as elsewhere in Belgium & France.

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The "Schlieffen" Plan was Germany's stategy to invade France by invading through Germany.

Why was the battle of Britain started in the first place?

After Germany invaded Poland, Britain and France declared war on Germany, starting the Second World War. No much happened for a bit after that, so it was called the Phoney War in Britain. But then Germany invaded France, and Belgium and the Netherlands as well, comprehensively defeating Britain and France, leading to the withdrawal and evacuation at Dunkirk. At this point Germany had basically complete control of mainland Europe, and Britain, which refused to surrender, was the natural next target for Hitler. The Germans knew that if the Royal Air Force was at full strength, it would be able to easily prevent the German invasion. So, the German Luftwaffe set about to cripple the RAF, attacking the Air bases and trying to destroy the British planes. At this point, the Battle of Britain, between the RAF and the Luftwaffe, had begun.

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Both Russia and Germany invaded Poland in 1939. The Russian army was known as the Red Army while Germany mainly used their air force called the Luftwaffe.

Germany's strategy to surprise France by invading through Belgium was called the what?

Blitzkreig. Schhlieffen plan.

What was Germany's strategy to surprise France by invading through Belgium called?

Blitzkreig. Schhlieffen plan.

What is the battle called when Germany makes desperate offensive into Allied territory that creates a bulge in the lines?

It was called the "Battle of the Bulge" .

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There have been six kings called Albert. They are Albert I of Belgium, Albert II of Belgium, Albert I of Germany, Albert II of Germany, Albert I of Saxony and Albert of Sweden.

Which european country has an area called flanders?

Belgium. A great battle was fought at Flanders Field in WWI.