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Platypuses are very shy creatures, elusive and difficult to see in their natural state. They shelter in burrows they dig into riverbanks, and when feeding, spend most of their time digging along the bottom of riverbeds and ponds.

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Q: What is the behaviour of a platypus?
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What does a platypus do in autumn?

The platypus's general behaviour in Autumn is no different from its behaviour during the eat of the year. As Australian winters in platypus territory are not characterised by snowfall or rivers icing up, the platypus will continue to hunt normally in its freshwater habitat throughout the year. The only change to the platypus's behaviour in Autumn might be that the female is still rearing her young. The platypus's breeding season is spring and summer, from about September through to February, sometimes extending to March, which is the first month of Autumn.

Is laying eggs an adaptation of a platypus?

Not necessarily. Adaptations are changes in an animal's features or behaviour which enable it to live in a specific environment. Realistically, laying eggs is not an adaptation for a platypus, as it could just as easily bear live young in its chamber. An example of an adaptation in a platypus is its feet - they are webbed for swimming but the webbing is retractable, exposing the sharp claws, with which it can dig its burrow.

What is a platypus's bill?

a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What is Platypus bill?

a platypus's bill is a bill that is on a platypus

What is the binomial name for the platypus?

Ornithorhynchus anatinusThe original name was Platypus anatinus, from Greek and Latin words meaning "flat-footed, duck-like". After realising that the name "platypus" had already be given to a group of beetles, the scientist involved assigned the platypus the scientific name of Ornithorhynchus anatinus, the first word of which means "bird-like snout".

Is a platypus a hoarder?

No. The platypus is not a hoarder.

Is a platypus a primate?

A Platypus is not a primate.

What else can a platypus be called?

The platypus should not be called anything else. It is just a platypus. It is not a duckbilled platypus, or any other such misnomer.

Local name of platypus?

The platypus is called the platypus wherever one happens to be in Australia.

What is the wait of a platypus?

Waiting for a platypus? haha

How smart is a platypus?

a platypus is at least 34%

What is the locomotion platypus?

There is no such thing as a locomotion platypus.