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Q: What is the benefit of drinking sanatogen?
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What is sanatogen fortified wine?

Sanatogen tonic wine has cured many people, whom I know, of their mental disease.

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benefit of drinking rum is that we forget gum and enjoy banging drum while having rum,so friends cheers to rum and carry on drinking rum.

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No it can not help the boxer.

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humans are animals and they benefit from eating cows. humans also benefit from drinking the milk of cows.

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Increase ur body and weight...

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Yes. There is no benefit to drinking "oxygenated" water.

Is saNatogen alcoholic?

Sanatogen is the trade name for a "secret recipe" tonic powder. This was added to a fortified alcoholic wine so that it could be sold in chemist shops as allowed in a loop hole in the UK alcohol licensing laws. Many iron fortified wines being sold in the same way early last century. It remains on sale alongside other "British" fortified wines in supermarkets - with a disclaimer about any health benefits. It is one of those traditional branded products that people still buy for the sick and infirm without any real benefit - ie Lucozade. I bought it for a housebound pensioner for years who claimed it was good for anemia before I pointed out that there was no iron in the ingredient list. The iron fortified version being about 25% more expensive. The Sanatogen trade name is now being applied to a wide range of health/baby products.

What are the benefit of drinking rum?

There are many benefits to drinking rum. It can decrease the risk of developing dementia, cancer and diabetes. Stroke and heart disease can also be lowered.

What is heath benefit of drinking your own semen?

There are none, it is just a little sugar, protein and water..

Does drinking lot of water help in reducing fat?

Absolutely, drinking water can aid in cleaning the body. It is also known that drinking more water can help to prevent overeating and benefit weight loss.

Is there a health benefit in drinking Vinger?

There are many benefits for drinking vinegar. Mostly I know that apple cider vinegar is used for weight loss and curing hiccups.