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Q: What is the best alcohol to relax the brain?
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Does alcohol relax you?


What is the best thing that can be said about the effects of alcohol on the brain?

none of these are correct

Does alcohol kill brain neutrons?

Alcohol does not kill brain cells.

How do you relax when your stressed?

ideas for relaxing your brain

Why does most of the alcohol go to the brain?

Only a small proportion of alcohol goes to the brain.

What are advantages of alcohol?

Alcohol can help people relax and open up. Depending on the type of alcohol it can have some health benefits as well.

What toxin from alcohol damages your brain?

Alcohol IS a toxin.

Why do you need to relax the brain?

sleep like a poocha BOO!

Why do you have a summer?

so you can relax your brain and have some time to rest

What does alochol do to the brain?

alcohol can function brain correctly

How can you get your wife to relax without alcohol?

You should consider the possibility that your wife may have an alcohol problem and needs help.

How can I treat my mild brain injury?

One of the best and most effective ways to reduce brain injury is to relax your head. Make sure to get plenty of rest, and avoid any kind of physical impact to your head.