

What is the best color for a balloon?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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I would prefer red.

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Q: What is the best color for a balloon?
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the color of a balloon is a dark color. but when you put it in the heat, the air in the balloon expands and the color of the balloon gets lighter and pops.

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swellow a chewing gum or balloon ;)

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No, the texture and material would only not the color. the gas inside may too, if its too much or too little, but you might already know that :)

Why yellow is a balloon it color?

Im pretty sure it the yellow balloon represents something happy and joyful. So basically there asking where it is.

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i don't think its anything to do with colour, i think it's more to do with the thickness of the rubber and size of the balloon.

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you can get skin color by pressing those balloons

How do you get a green balloon on Counterfeit Island?

You can get a green balloon on Counterfeit Island by going to Bobo's clown store. Ask the clerk if you can have a balloon. She'll say: "Sure! Help yourself!" And then you can choose your color, but get the green balloon and take it to the Country Side (right).