

Best Answer

I have been researching schools for ages and am in love with Arrojo School in Soho. I looked at tons of them and nothing compares to this one.

The staff were so nice and friendly and the students were having such a great time and all looked like they knew what they were doing :-) I hope to start school there in summer 2012.

Hope that helps, do you know of any others I should check out ?


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Q: What is the best cosmetology school in New York state?
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Where is the best school to learn about cosmetology?

There are great cosmetology schools across the nation. To find a school near you that meets your needs, check out You can find a full listing of cosmetology schools by state and other preferences.

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there are so many schools present but i think Institute of Cosmetology is one of the best cosmetology school

Top three cosmetology school in the us?

ARROJO cosmetology school is amazing... best education, best location, best teachers!

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Graham Webb International Academy of Hair

Where can you attend a cosmetology school in San Jose CA?

you can go to san Jose city college it is the best cosmetology school in California.

What is the best cosmetology school in Chicago?

Mario Tricocci University if you want to work for a Mario Tricocci salon. Any other accredited cosmetology school will do.

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A good school is the Orlando cosmetology school of Florida. They likely provide classes in that subject area as it is strictly a technical school for the study of cosmetology.

What is the best cosmetology school?

The best cosmetology schools in the nation are going to focus their students' training on the things required to pass their state's cosmetology license exams. Since each state has a unique set of rules, tests, and hours of experience required to earn the cosmetology license, top beauty schools will incorporate these things into their curriculum. This can include the textbook topics covered as well as the amount of time the school has each student spend on the salon floor working with clients on the different skills of the trade, like hair, makeup, and nail technology.

Which school is the best place to learn how to become a hair designer?

Barber Arts Cosmetology Esthetics Barber Arts Dual License Program (Cosmetology Pre-Required) Cosmetology Student Instructor

What is the best location for cosmetology?

It all depends on what you think is the best. The obvious places would be California, New York, Orlando, Chicago.

What is the best cosmetology school in Tulsa OK?

Probably Clary Sage. Located at 31st and Sheridan

How to Choose a Cosmetology School?

Before you can choose the best cosmetology school for you, you will need to contact your state’s department of health or even your state’s department of licensing and regulation. You can obtain a list of cosmetology schools that have been approved by your state. Schools that have been approved by your state meet all of the requirements for licensing. This means all of the hours that you earn while training with this school will go towards your cosmetology school. You need to go through this entire list and pick at least three cosmetology schools that you are interested. After you have done this, you will be doing research on each school. This will help you decide what school is best for you. After you have chosen at least three schools that have your interest, you can ask the department of health or the department of licensing and regulation for information on recent license pass rates. If you cannot obtain this information from either department, you can simply contact each cosmetology school for more information about recent license pass rates. Once you have all of the information that you need, you can compare the rates from all of the cosmetology schools. The rates usually give you an idea of which school offers high quality education. Next, you can visit the Web site of the United States Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs. If you can find the schools of your choice on this list, it normally means that each school can at least meet your state’s minimal standards of educational quality. This list can easily tell you everything that most people need to know about a school. As long as the educational quality meets the state’s standards, then it is a reasonable school. This list also means that each school can be a part of the federal student aid program. This is especially good news for those who cannot afford to go to the school. Go to each school and meet with the financial aid officer, the cosmetology instructor, and the admission representative. Meeting each person can help you make your decision.