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Q: What is the best cure for a horse that has pallet problems?
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They have no magic potion that works for everything. A swab of rubbing alcohol and a bandaid is the usual cure. A few rely on home remedies, bag balm, corn likker and horse linament for the real serious problems.

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It cures heart problems

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How do you cure the flu on

go to the shop and buy the antiviral medicine. then give it to the horse on the horse's page.

How can a horse be treated when bit en by a rabid animal?

unfortunately, there is no cure.

What do equine vets do?

study and cure horses. equus-horse in latin

Have stem cells been proven to be a viable way to cure diseases?

The year 2010, the answer is yes. Problems abound; best success is in sight restoration.

How do you cure a horse with hock pain?

If a horse has hock pain you should call an Equine Veterinarian and have them do a full work up on the horse to find why the hocks are sore.

My horse on howrse has the flu and is sick what do i need to buy?

You need the Antiviral to cure your horse of flu. To prevent it happening again, be sure to vaccinate your horse against flu.