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Having a healthy immune system is the best natural defense against some diseases. There are defensive measures you can practice to avoid many contagious diseases such as good personal hygiene, washing hands and avoiding placing your fingers near your mouth, eyes and nose. You can avoid spreading germs by sneezing and coughing into your bent elbow area or a tissue. As far as other diseases that are acquired such as emphysema and lung cancer, your best defense is not to smoke and to avoid second hand smoke. Avoiding stress in your life helps to maintain a healthy immune system as well. Stress is a fact of life and the better you deal with it, the healthier you will remain. Certain autoimmune diseases are hereditary, but sometimes certain environmental stresses will cause them to present, i.e. start to show symptoms.

There are vaccinations available to give you immunity to some viral and bacterial infections. The answer to this question depends on what diseases you are trying to avoid.

This is a question on the MA exam and the answer is wash your hands.

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