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an instrument that is used to measure gas in a closed container. A+

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Q: What is the best definition of manometer?
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What are the types of manometer?

simple manometer differential manometer inclined manometer

What is bigger a manometer or seismometer?


Definition for u tube differential manometer?

It is defined as the instrument which can measure the difference between 2 pressure i.e high & low

How do you build a manometer?

Types of manometer?

the most common type of manometer are u-tube type,inclined and the cistern type of manometer

How do you set up manometer?

To set up a manometer, first ensure that it is securely mounted in a vertical position. Fill the manometer with a fluid, typically mercury or water, making sure there are no air bubbles. Connect the manometer to the system you want to measure the pressure of, and then observe the height difference of the fluid levels in the manometer to determine the pressure.

What is a two liquid well type manometer?

What is a two liquid well type manometer is one of the three main types of manometers. This type is best applied to reading scales that are properly calibrated and in the right units.

How do you use YouTube manometer?

I think you're looking for U-Tube Manometer

What is a manometer on a 2005 Dodge Grand Caravan?

A 2005 Dodge Caravan does not have a manometer.

An instrument used to measure the pressure of gases in closed containers is a?


What is an electrical manometer?

Electrical manometer is an electronic manometer use to record pressures between two points. It is commonly used in recording pressure in bridges.

What is the Procedure of well type manometer?

A manometer is used to measure pressure. A well-type manometer measures a singular height of pressure and is normally highly accurate.