

Best Answer

Extensive writing is a skill that most English native speaking people lack, it's just writing down whatever you want about a topic or anything in general. It helps with sentence fluency and just overall paragraph and word structuring.

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Q: What is the best description of extensive writing?
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What is a best description for extensive writing?

Extensive writing is writing that is meant to be shared.

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When writing a physical or functional description it is best to organize details?

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What is an example of Extensive Writing?

An example of extensive writing would be writing a research paper or a thesis that requires in-depth analysis, research, and detailed exploration of a topic. This type of writing typically involves longer texts and extensive use of sources and evidence.

Use extensive in a sentence?

She did extensive research before writing her thesis on climate change.

What is an exapmle of extensive writing?

An example of extensive writing could be a research paper, an academic essay, or a detailed report that requires in-depth analysis and exploration of a topic. Extensive writing typically involves providing thorough explanations, supporting arguments with evidence, and presenting complex ideas in a comprehensive manner.

What are the five distinctive writing techniques frequently used in technical and scientific writing?

definition, description of mechanism,description of process, partition, classifications.

How do you get description writing jobs on freelance website?

You register for the freelancing sites like oDesk, Freelancer and Elance, then complete your profile by doing the relevant tests related to description writing. Once you are done, you can apply for the description writing jobs on the freelance website.

What is a description of observing?

writing down what you see

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Examples of description of a mechanism in technical writing?

In technical writing a description of a mechanism contains visual with label that make it easy for readers to follow. An example would be a description of a fan with images that list the parts.

The author's purpose in writing the three paragraphs is what?

for description