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We'll I'd suggest eating the vegetarian burgers and the burgers that aren't that big. Like don't eat the big mac or that won't help you. If possible you can actually go to subway where there is the healthier options.

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Q: What is the best diet when overweight and loves fast food?
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What diets can help me lose weight but also show results quick?

Some fast and easy weight loss plans are the 17 day diet, strictly smoothies diet, and a strict exercise and meals plan. If you are very overweight you should lose weight fast by simple changes.

Hi I am an eleven year old you are 4 foot 7 and you weigh sixty-nine to seventy pounds are you overweight If so how can you diet really super fast before school starts Thanks a lot?

you're not overweight and you can do about 50 jumping jacks per day.

What are some tips on healthy dieting?

The healthiest type of diet is one where you truly change the bad eating habits that caused you to be overweight rather than just using some fad diet to lose a bunch of weight fast only to regain it because you couldn't keep that diet up.

What is the best diet to help someone lose weight fast?

The best diet to lose weight fast is to exercise for at least two hours a day and not snack on too much fried things. It would also be helpful if you eat a balanced meal everyday.

How can a poor diet affect sport?

It can cause you to become more and more overweight, affecting how fast you can run and limits your abilities to be physically active. Of course being physically active can allow you to lose this newly gained weight...

Is there a way you can lose weight fast but safely?

No. The best way is slowly, through proper diet (not starvation) and exercise.

How much does Slim Fast diet cost?

Money you don't NEED to spend. Weight Watchers is the best place to be.

What are some ways to lose weight fast and healthy?

I have the same problem. First you have to make sure you are ready to be on a different eating lifestyle. Second, you can either follow a small light diet or go to a specialized doctor that deals with patients that are overweight and find them a healthy diet without changing their lifestyles.

What is the best book or internet website to learn about lose weight fast diet plans?

There are many places online to find information on losing weight fast, although not every diet works the same for each person, it is best to consult a physician and create a plan that is specific to your own needs.

Where can I go to get some information on a slim fast diet?

The Slim fast diet is an excellent way to kick start a diet. But before starting a diet please get advise from a Doctor. Heart is the Slim Fast website:

What are the best diet plans to try?

The best diet plans for exceptionally fast weight loss are the Atkins diet and the South Beach diet. Minimizing caloric intake, primarily through liquid ingestion is extremely important while trying to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time.