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I have been looking into dogs with little dander because my dad is like extremely allergic to dander. two that i was interested in were a Yorkshire terrier or a Maltese. These dogs both have hair not fur and don't shed. I was in love when i saw the picture of a Yorkie! Maltese are also adorable, both small dogs. because they are small they don't have as much dander as big dogs. Just make sure you bathe your dog regularly so that they don't have as much dander. Hairless dogs would work too but they aren't as cute. Poodles are good hypoallergenic too.

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Q: What is the best dog to buy for people allergic to dog saliva and dander?
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If some one in your family is highly allergic to dander would they be able to live with a dog likea Bichon Frise people can be allergic to dog hair skin dander or even spit but im talking about dander?

Bichon's are considered allergy-free dogs. They are the best type of dog to get if you are allergic to dogs.

Which cat is best for somebody with allergies?

If you have an allergic reaction to dandruff and or fur the best cat you would want to get is a Siberian Cat. I know it sounds weird but check out google and type in "cat without dander." Answer If someone has allergic reactions to cats it's usually because of cats saliva. Cats spend most of their time grooming themselves that their saliva gets and clings on their fur. So people with allergies to cats are not allergic to the cats fur, but to their cats saliva. I suggest to a person with allergies to cats to get a Spynx ( a hairless breed of cat) or an American Shorthair. These are the best breeds of cats for people who have allergies.

What is the best dog for adults with asthma?

Asthma is often caused by allergic reactions. If you were to get a "hypo-allergenic" dog, or one that has hair, not fur, it will lessen allergic reactions, as most who are allergic to dogs, are actually allergic to their dander. I do know that Yorkshire Terriers are one such breed, for I have one due to my allergies.

Will shaving your cat reduce allergies?

From what I understand, from my allergist, it's not the cat fur that causes the allergic reaction, but the cat saliva, as well as skin cells it sheds, just like we do, but theirs is called dander Whether your cat is shaved or not, it will still groom itself by licking, thus exposing anyone who touches it to the saliva. It has something to do with proteins in the saliva (whatever that means!), and an allergic person reacts to the proteins. As far as the dander is concerned, it's very fine and floats in the air, so it is easily spread. the allergic person breathes it in and has a reaction. Another thing to mention is a shaved cat looks downright strange. We had ours shaved, at the cat groomer, because she has long hair which is prone to mats, so we thought it best to have the shave done. When she came home, our cat wasn't happy for several days, she hid under furniture and inside anywhere she could. We thought she knew she looked wierd and was embarrassed, who knows! Marty V.

What breed of dog is worse for human allergies?

Common allergens from dogs that cause allergic responses in people are the proteins found in their dander (dandruff), saliva, and sometimes in their urine. Also, some dogs in some breeds are not as allergen free as others in the same breed, therefore, a trial with the allergic person and the dog closely together for a period of time is the best method to use to determine if the dog is one that the allergic person can live with.Certain breeds are known to be problematic for those with allergies to dogs. These breeds include:Afghan HoundsBasset HoundsCocker SpanielsDachshundsDoberman PinschersGerman ShepherdsIrish SettersSpringer SpanielsSee the related question below for information about breeds that many people with allergies are able to live with.

Does hypoallergenic dogs work?

There is no such thing as a completely "hypoallergenic dog" because all dogs have dander, and that's what causes an allergic reactions in affected humans. However, low shedding dogs typically produce less dander and since they don't shed much, they also expose the owner to less dander, which decreases the risk of an allergic reaction in humans. To better understand what hypoallergenic dogs are, you can view my most recent post, Are non shedding dogs hypoallergenic? at Best of luck! Connie M.

What is the best way to remove cat dander?

best way to eleminate cat dander when inside cat never goes outside

What is the best cat for you if you are allergic?

Most people that are allergic to cats are only actually allergic to the fur, so a hairless cat.

Can you be alllergic to strawberries?

Yes, many people are allergic to strawberries.

What part of the cat are humans allergic too?

Cats can become allergic to a number of things, just like humans. Some cats are allergic to flea and tick bites, medication (just like some humans have an allergy to penicillin-based medication), and some cats can even develop food allergies if fed a low quality food that has a high number of grains and cereals in.

How can someone find out if they are allergic to pet dander?

The best way to find out if you have an allergy to pet dander is to go to the doctor and have an allergy test. Usually an allergy test is performed under the guidance of an allergy specialist.

What is the best animal for people with allergies?

I am allergic to dogs and i have asthma and my family had been looking for a dog for me for years and eventually they came across a mix of a shih tzu and a yorkie, often called a shorkie. He was hypoallergenic so we took him. Shorkies, rats, hamsters, a lot of animals would be suggested for you if u have asthma. Shorkies are the best dog mixed breed!