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Weed is the best drug because it calms you down. and mellos you out

weed makes you feel dumb in front of others and highly paranoid. It does not help with anxiety in anyway.

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Q: What is the best drug to treat social anxiety disorder?
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What medication is best for people with social anxiety disorder?

The best medication for a social anxiety disorder is not pills but exercise and therapy. Pills only harms the victim of social anxiety disorder and with exercise, stress and pain is released.

I have social anxiety disorder and I feel like it's getting worst I won't speak to anyone in school I'm to scared to I don't have anyone anymore?

The best way to treat your social anxiety is to find someone that you feel safe talking to. Someone professional like a psychiatrist or social therapist can help a lot. Don't cut yourself off totally from people.

What is the best social anxiety treatment?

Social anxiety is a disorder plaguing many people, and as many people are different, so are the appropriate treatments for their social anxiety. To say that one treatment is better than another would do a disservice to those that find a different form of treatment more beneficial.

What is the best way to approach someone who is showing symptoms of an anxiety disorder?

There are many options for people with anxiety disorder, all of which provide safe and healthy ways for people with this disorder to cope. The best, and usually only way to approach someone with this disorder is gently speak to them about their symptoms.

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How can I beat social anxiety disorder?

I suggest you find a reputable doctor to discuss your issues. This doctor can recommend the best form of treatment for you. The first step in getting help is admitting you have a problem.

Are people with social anxiety disorder at higher risk for schizophrenia?

No. Anxiety and schizophrenia are two different disorders. Anxiety is neurotic, and schizophrenia is psychotic. Although at times anxiety in severe cases can lead to losing touch with reality ( severe anxiety ) it can never lead to a psychotic disorder like schizophrenia.

What is the difference between panic disorder and anxiety attacks or arent there any?

PANIC DISORDER is just a way of lableing someone who has anxiety attacks.A PANIC ATTACK is just a more intense form of an anxiety attack. Avoiding these situations is the best way to eliminate these feelings.

What causes general anxiety disorder and can it be treated without seeing a doctor?

In generalized anxiety disorder, it depends on your specific situation and genetic disposition as to the conditions you may be facing. It is best to consult a licensed professional about this information as they can best understand your symptoms and lead you to a better treatment.

Is marijuana used to treat anxiety in California?

yes it used to treat anxiety in California. But i suggest you one of the best and effective solution to treat anxiety is Librium medication. Librium eliminate symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks completely. So, to get free of anxiety and live healthy life then buy Librium 25 mg online from OnlineDrugPills online pharmacy at very low price.

Best anxiety medicine?

The best treatment for an anxiety disorder is often cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT. This is a well-established, highly effective, and lasting treatment.

Can I be arrested for buying Xanax online?

Best Medication for Anxiety Available on Market It is alright to be anxious but only for a short period. But, it is not okay if someone feels chronically tense. It means the person has an anxiety disorder. However, an anxiety disorder can be easily diagnosed. Also, it is the number one mental health condition among Americans. Above all, it is easy to treat it through medications. For example, you can easily buy Xanax online, which works effectively on anxiety and panic disorders. Up To 50% Discount on all Generic medicines >>>>>Order now : Rehabilative. com