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9/11 is a perfect example of Americans determination to save people's lives and rebuild after it.

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Q: What is the best example of Americas determination during this time period?
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What were americas goals and ideals during this period of expansion and economic change?

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The region at which location beacme a source of great wealth for Spain during the colonial period?

During the colonial period, Spain extracted enormous wealth in the form of gold, silver and new crops from the Americas.

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The establishment of colonies in the Americas was part of the Commercial Revolution. They occured during the same time period.

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What was the columbian trade?

The Columbian trade was a type of trade that imported goods from the Americas and to the Americas. It was around Christopher Columbus time period.

What is the Pre-Columbian period?

The period of time prior to discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus (i.e.: before 1492).

What is The major source of wealth exploited by the Spaniards in the Americas?

The major source of wealth exploited by the Spaniards in the Americas was silver. Spain extracted vast amounts of silver from mines in places like Mexico, Bolivia, and Peru, which significantly enriched the Spanish Empire during the colonial period.

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