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A child. More specifically, yours and hers.

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Q: What is the best gift for new girlfriend?
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What is the best gift to give your girlfriend on her 16 year old birthday?

A car.

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It really depends on what your girlfriend likes. Earrings? Music?

Birthday gift for a new love?

I think jewelry is the best gift for a new love.

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brazier is the best gift for girlfriend because it always remain touching the heart

Need to get a gift for your best friend's girlfriend?

Get her a book in a genre that she likes books in. If she's not a big reader, maybe get her a CD or a gift certificate to download an MP3 from iTunes, etc.

My girlfriend kind of feels that you don't like her anymore but i still do more than anything how i show her. what do i do?

Get her a gift. (best of luck)

What would be a great gift for you girlfriend at the 5 month marker?

Flowers would be an ideal gift for your girlfriend at the 5 month marker.

What gift ideas would be good for a girlfriend in her twenties?

A good gift idea to for a girlfriend in her twenties is buying a cheap bracelet. Some other gift ideas for a girlfriend in her twenties are her favorite chocolate, a card, a dress and many more.

Ehat is the best birthday gift for a girlfriend?

The best birthday gift for a girlfriend depends on her individual interests and preferences. Some thoughtful gift ideas could include personalized jewelry, a surprise weekend getaway, a spa day, or tickets to a concert or show she has been wanting to see. Ultimately, the best gift is one that shows you have put thought into what she would truly appreciate and enjoy.

What is the best gift to give your mum?

the best gift to give mum is a pair of new shoes and a hairdressers appointment.

What is the best gift for a girlfriend not lover with whom you share everything in your life?

A huge bouquet of her favorite flowers (and if you don't know what they are, find out).

Whats the best gift for a girlfriend?

Girls like clothes, jewelery, and make-up. If you are cruising around the mall with her, she may point out, "Ooh! This is pretty!" or "I want this!" She is hinting on a gift possibly. Find out things that interest her. If she is sporty or tomboy-ish, maybe take her out camping or buy her a new soccerball.