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One is in coral canyons where you stand near the bridge on the right side, click under or above the beehive and while running send someone a game request then decline quickly. NOTE: You shouyd be running up, not down.

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10y ago

in saphiria forest go to the bottom of the slide then click a player then go to play games stop there then click the wood at the top of the screen hurry click the icecream game and click cancel that's all to it

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what is ajs free member ship codes that no wone has used


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Q: What is the best glitch in animal jam?
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How do you do the spooky party glitch on animal jam?

It is hard to explain so I learned it by watching it on YouTube

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No there is not.

What is the sky glitch on Animal Jam?

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What is a glitch on animal jam?

A glitch is somthing that happens to some people and it isn't normal

How do you do the mt shiveer glitch Animal Jam?

It's too hard

WHATS A glitch in Animal Jam that works for everyone?

Gecko and explore 2012

How do you make a glitch in animal jam?

keep on trying and watch videos on youtube.

How do yo do the glitch in lost temple of zios on animal jam?

i dont think there is one

How do you become a dolphin in animal jam in a party?

i have done it before in a glitch but it is very complicated

How do you do the glitch for a sea animal on land on animal jam?

you will see them twitching their left eye as they put their paws up

How do you do an animal jam glitch?

ok first, u just find a weird thing u know about on animal jam. and take a video or something and just put it on youtube or something. but i had never tried my own glitch just writing about what i think.