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It depends on the allergy.

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Q: What is the best pet for someone with allergies and a kid?
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What is the best pet if you have allergies?

if u have fur allergies, u should probably get a fish or lizard of some sort.

What is the best pet for a kid?


Name the worst job for someone with allergies?

gardener/landscaper veterinarian florist pet groomer

What is the best air purifier for those with allergies to pet hair?

The best air purifier for people with allergies to pet hair is the Alen A350 air puriifier. It costs $399 and it remove 98% particles. The coverage area is 750sq. ft. big.

What type of rodent is best for a child with allergies and asthma?

Well if your child has allergies you really shouldn't have a pet of any kind because it will only make it worse i know because my dad has allergies and we had a dog and he did do well around him.

Best prescription for asthma and pet allergies?

I have noticed that the best prescription allergy medicine is Allegra-D. Specifically for asthma, though, the best prescription is the Advair Discuss.

What is the best small pet for a kid?

The best pet for a kid is a dog. No tank to clean, he or she won't get bored with it in a few days. I know from experience because we got out dog when I was 4 and she's 11 now. She's my bestfriend, good luck!

Does Greg in Diary of a Wimpy Kid have a pet?

no Greg doesn't have a pet in diary of a wimpy kid

What are hot spots on dogs?

It's a raw, irritated lesion that results from a pet constantly scratching, chewing, and licking at an area of itchy skin. Many pets that develop them have allergies; they are particularly common in pet with flea allergies.

Which type-of-pet is best for-a-kid?

Well it depends on how responsible you are. I would start with a fish then work my way up to a dog.

What is the best pet for kids?

Usually a goldfish is a good starting pet for a kid to learn responsibly. When you see they are responsible enough, a hamster or bird is a good "next step" pet. Once you see he or she is responsible with that pet, larger animals such as dogs and cats are recommended.

The easiest smallest cheapest kid friendly pet in the world?

pet rock