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try throwing a rock at the window. if they come outside to see who it was be sure you are in some foreign guys costume and ask where taco bell is

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Q: What is the best prank to pull on your neighbors after they rang your doorbell at ten at Night and then ran back home?
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A war between two people pranking eachother, such as after they prank you, you prank them and so on and so on, in other words going back and forth

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It depends on the context. I should get back to work. I want to get back at her for her prank.

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They will grow back but they take a long time. Sounds to me like someone cut them off in the middle of the night as a prank.

How do you install a doorbell?

To install a doorbell, you typically need to turn off power to the area, remove the old doorbell (if applicable), attach the new doorbell button to the wall near your door, connect the wires to the new doorbell, and then install the chime unit inside your home. Finally, you would turn the power back on and test the doorbell to ensure it is working properly.

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This isn't a good prank...if you tried fighting with ME as a prank I'd tell you to get out and never come back.

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The good old bucket of water on the top of a door prank. :)

What was the frist prank ever?

Since pranks go back past the earliest recorded history it's impossible to say what the first prank was.

Wonder prank call Coca-Cola?

Feel free to prank call Coca Cola if you wish, but it is possible they will trace your call back to you and call the police for harassment.

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well this is the easiest prank in history you gust do this... night when he is fast asleep get hot water 2. make sure his bed has no electric blancets or anything like that 3. tip the hot water on his hand and run away back into your bed and pretend your asleep. SORRY THIS IS SO LONG

Need movie title think from the 80's a group of kids go to a school at night and they start to get killed until only one person is left but then everyone comes back because it was all a prank.?

Cry Wolf