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Most organic brands, such as horizon, are not as good as you would think because they still feed their cows corn and soybeans. Grass-fed meats are MUCH healthier than corn-fed meats. There is about 6 times the amount of CLA(conjugated linoleic acid) and there are much more benefits as well.The following brands have grass-fed products:

Organic Valley-their cows graze on green pastures instead of eating corn and soybeans.(cows are meant to eat grass but most dairy farmers these days feed them corn and soybeans)They sell milk, butter, meat, yogurt, cheese

Organic Pastures- their cows graze on grass as well and their products are also raw, which means that they are unpasteurized. Leaving them raw keeps the vitamins and healthy nutrients.

Soul Food Farms- their chickens are raised on pasture(they also sell pastured eggs)

Marin Sun Farms- their animals are raised on pasture

Tropical Traditions(only available online)-they have a lot of great organic foods and they also have grass-fed meats. They have the best quality coconut oil, it's organic and cold pressed.


You can also buy organic food and make the baby food yourself.

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If you prefer organic baby food for your children your best bet is to skip the grocery store altogether and make your own baby food! There are many sites to find receipes and you can make large batches and freeze some!

Where can one get organic baby food?

One can buy organic baby food from stores like Rite Aid, Walmart, Kmart, and CVS. Organic baby food has many more healthy properties than traditional baby food. It is also quite expensive.

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If the baby food is not labeled "100% organic" some non-organic ingredients are allowed.

What are some organic baby products?

Organic baby products include organic food, which is not exposed to irradiation, industrial solvents, or food additives, and organic clothing, which is made with materials not grown with synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or hormones.

What are more healthy baby food brands?

Yummy in my tummy (YIMT) is a great brand, it's eco friendly and has many organic ingredients. Also, Earth's best is pretty healthy as well. There are so many organic healthy baby food brands.

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like any other dog u give it food. * A high quality protein-based organic dog food is best.

Do organic food cost more?

Organic food costs more because it's better quality than other non-organic foods.

Why do organic food cost more?

Organic food costs more because it's better quality than other non-organic foods.

Does baby food make you skinnier?

Yes, baby food contains a mesh of healthy organic vegetables.