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Don't cut your body. I used to do it and now I regret it because I'm covered in scars that will never go away.

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Q: What is the best razor blade to use when you cut your body?
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Related questions

What is the best way to cut your self?

Get a razor blade and cut youself Or a butter knife, so you wont hurt yourself.

Why a razor blade considered a wedge?

The razor blade is considered as a wedge because the end is sharp so it can cut through Hair

How do you tell when a razor blade is dull?

When you stop getting cut.

How do you take a blade out of a razor?

You just have to cut part of the razor that is holding the blade. Be very careful to don't cut yourself. I actually tried it, and it worked because I was aware to don't slice my fingers, or something. Good LuckAdditional answerDepends on what sort of razor. Some razors have the handle screwed to the body and when you unscrew it the whole thing comes apart, letting you change the blade. I can't think what sort of razor requires you to cut it, as in the first answer.Electric razors are different, each one different.

Can you go over a cut with a razor blade?

You can but it will probably bleed a bit

Why is a dull razor less helpful than sharp razor?

Answer:A dull razor blade won't cut your hair of your leg, which will give you an uneven shave. A dull razor blade will also give you, "razor rash," which is when you get red dots on your legs from shaving.

Why is a dull razor less helpful than a sharp razor?

Answer:A dull razor blade won't cut your hair of your leg, which will give you an uneven shave. A dull razor blade will also give you, "razor rash," which is when you get red dots on your legs from shaving.

What purpose does a razor strop have?

A razor strop is used to sharpen single blade razors, otherwise known as cut throat razors. The blade is passed against the strop multiple times to sharpen the blade.

What are the benefits of using double edge razor blades?

There are a few benefits of using a double-edge or "safety" razor blade. One benefit would be the fact that it is harder to cut oneself with the blade.

Did Freddy Krueger killed his step father when he was a kid?

yes, he cut his step-fathers throat with a razor blade :)

What is meant by the term 'cut throat'?

The term 'cut throat' usually refers to a shave. A 'cut throat' shave is usually carried out with a blade, rather than a built up razor, and as the blade is run along the throat a simple slip could cut the throat.

Does licking a razor blade cut make it heal faster?

No. Like any cut, saliva can help to keep the cut from getting infected but doesn't affect how long it takes to heal.