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Urushiol oil, the active ingredient in Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac (and oddly, in mango skin), works by inducing an allergic reaction. The problem is, it's extremely hard to counter. The existence Urushiol oil in nature was clearly a mechanism to repel animals and to do so not instantly, as with the cactus, by by making susceptible animals aware of the plant's subtle coloration. For this to work, the toxin in question has to work really well, and not have many antagonists. And so it is with Urushiol oil. There are about 5,000 folk remedies, all with proponents and all without a lot of research. The medical community isn't doing too well on this either. Part of the reason is, once the response to the oil commenses (24 to 48 hours after exposure), it's already gone systemic. Contrary to popular misconception, you can't really spread the toxin from the site of the lesions (although you can from exposed clothing, where the oil is still on the surface). Occurance after the exposure site is likely from the systemicity of the allergy and not cross-contamination (although lots of folk remedy disagrees). So it's a difficult fix. Here are some medical ideas with a few folksy, safe tricks too: * There are a few preparations that can be applied before exposure that work -- sort of -- to prevent reaction. Check them out --- OTC meds. * The US Forest Service had some research going on in the 1970's about this that is rumored to have resulted in some pretty effective cream. The production was only allowed for a short time as FDA testing was very expensive. You might still find some of this old research on the net. Use with a grain of salt of course. * If you know you've been exposed before the rash appears, ASAP wash the area in water as hot as you can stand it safely, and soap. There are some soaps that specifically nuetralize Urushiol oil -- if you can get them, use them. Scrub gently with a washcloth, then throw the washcloth away or clean it super-thoroughly. * Keep the area super-clean, but dont scrub hard -- that skin is already in trouble. Mop up the seepage as it occurs, and throw the gauze away safely (I know I said it won't cross-contaminate -- but then who really knows?). * Ice packs seem to reduce the itching. * In super-bad cases, you can talk to your doctor about injectable or oral Prednisone. However, from personal experience, I can tell you that you have a mighty dose for this to help. As prednisone is a VERY powerful drug (the Physician's Desk Reference has four huge pages of tiny type about counterindications), you should only consider this if (a) you're REALLY itching horribly or (b) you've shown signs of a real anaphylactic reaction (swelling other than the site, breathing problems, etc.), at which point we leave the realm of first aid and haul you to a hospital. * Benadryl (diphenhydramine) seems ineffective in normal dosages, but you can try it as per the instructions on the box (it's available over the counter). * I've had no luck with any of the topical painkillers (benzocaine, xylocaine, etc.) myself. Some swear by alcohol rubs. This might work VERY soon after exposure (as Urushiol is not dissolvable in water but is in soaps and, to a lesser extent, alcohol), but for long term I doubt it'll out-perform soap and water. Some say baking soda will help. No studies on this but it sounds harmless, so you might want to try it. Naturally, the best answer is, Avoid exposure to this!

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Q: What is the best remedy for urushiol oils?
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Can Benadryl help poison ivy in the mouth?

Unfortunately no -- diphenhydramine cannot help with poison ivy / urushiol toxicity. Diphenhydramine, an excellent antihistaminem has no effect on urushiol.

What in poison ivy makes people allergic to it?

Poison ivy (and its cousins poison oak and poison sumac) contains an oily substance called urushiol. About 1/3 of people are allergic to urushiol. The leaves and branches of the poison ivy plant contain urushiol, and breaking the plant releases additional urushiol to the surface. Burning the poison ivy plant will release the urushiol into the air, possibly causing serious inflammation of the throat and lungs. Also, unlike some allergens, repeated exposure to urushiol can increase a person's sensitivity.If you think you may have touched a poison ivy plant, as soon as possible you should wash the affected area with soap and cold water. Hot water will disperse the urushiol over a larger area, possibly making it much worse. You can buy specially formulated soaps like Tecnu that will bind to the urushiol, allowing it to be washed off harmlessly.Also, note that dogs and cats and other animals will happily play in poison ivy without being affected, but they will get the urushiol on their fur. If you then touch the animal, you get urushiol on your hands, which you can then spread to other parts of your body or to other people.

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