

Best Answer

Loam is the best soil for many plants. But some plants prefer rocky or sandy soil.

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Q: What is the best soil for gardening?
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The best one would be gardening soil

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A great soil for gardening

How can you improve soil for gardening?

The best way to improve soil for gardening is to use compost. Plants need food and it is better to use compost than fertilizer as long as the compost is aged and the right type for the plant. Test your soil and know what you need.

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A great soil for gardening

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What are the uses of garden soil or loam soil?

It is usefull for gardening fertilisser

What are soil crumbs?

Soil crumbs are crumbs that get dry and turn into soil. You can use that soil for your plants or for gardening.

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What type of soil is better organic or loam?

Growing plants organically is always best. Loam soil is a type of soil, just as sand and clay are a type of soil. In regards to vegetable gardening most plants do best in a loamy soil. If that soil happens to be pesticide/chemical fertilizer free all the better.

Which types-of-soil are best for growing sunflowers?

Best way is the well cultivated soil and red soil or add waste of animals like cow, mix it. It depends if your growing it indoors or outdoors. If indoors, you can go to your local gardening store or supermarket and look for potted soil.

Is sustainable gardening the same as organic gardening?

Organic gardening is the practice of growing fruits and vegetables without using pesticides and inorganic fertilizers. Sustainable gardening is gardening in a way that the soil will continue to be able to support what you grow. So, gardening sustainably means that you are using organic techniques in addition to making sure your soil will contain nutrients in the future,