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The industry standard for applying stencils is Tincture of Green Soap. Stencil Pro works well, though it needs a few minutes to dry thoroughly after application of the stencil from my experience.

The best advice is to use petroleum jelly or A&D ointment only in the precise areas you are tattooing. In other words, don't cover the entire stencil with either before you begin the tattoo. Only use it and wipe it on as you move along. That will preserve stencils much longer.

Also, only use water to gently wipe away excessive ink during the lining process.

Finally, yes it works, but throw the speed stick away or only use it to keep your underarms tolerable. Green Soap works MUCH better.

I do indeed agree with the above answer, but a better solution than green soap is what is known as Detoll soap. It works much better than green soap for keeping the stencil on the skin no matter how much you have to dab and or wipe the excess ink away, but this is also sometimes a problem because depending on how strong the solution is, because a good deal of the stencil may still be there after you are done with the tattoo. In any event though, for this solution, you will mix 1 equal part of Detoll soap with 7 equal parts distilled water and the end result should have the solution an amber color and it will smell slightly like Pinesol. Speed stick is not advisable since most of them carry trace amounts of aluminum in them, and therefore is bad to be pushing in the skin.

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Q: What is the best stencil solution for applying stencil to the skin green soap stencil pro or speed stick?
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