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JEANS! Just don't forget your good ol' fashion waffle knit long johns underneath. :D I've also worn jeans under jeans! Just make sure your jeans are tight fitting and stretchy, this way your body heat keeps them warm. I've worn jeans in -20 when Snowboarding and they were warmer than snow-pants. The secret to warmth is your under layer of long johns, and a snug fit. Have fun!

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Q: What is the best substitute for snow pants if you don't own snow pants?
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What is ski pants in french?

What is snow pants in french

What do you wear when you ski?

you wear snow pants, snow coat, and long underwear.

Can you dry your snow pants in the dryer?

Yes - put both your winter jacket and snow pants in the dryer on high heat for 2 - 4 hours.

How old should your child be until he or she stops wearing snow pants?

Your never too young for snow pants! My parents still wear them! :d

Where can one purchase snow pants or snowboard pants?

If there is a Volcom store in your vicinity, instore would be the best place to find the best snowboard pants. Otherwise, websites to use would be the Volcom website or alternatively try Amazon or Ebay.

Is snow pants one word or two?


What are is the lowest heat aperture snow pants can stand?

Mine are good to -50°c I bought a pair of Military Snowpants Overalls :) best

What are snow pants?

They are water-resistant overalls that children or adults can wear in the snow to keep the snow from penetrating to their regular clothes.

Why would one choose Columbia snow pants over other brands?

Columbia snow pants are made specifically for snow related activities such as skiing and snowboarding. They are waterproof and renowned for keeping the wearer very warm.

What you wear in the winter?

if you want to play in the snow, a thermos pants and shirt, a snow coat and snow pants, hat,gloves, boots,and a scarf. If it is not snowing and it is just cold, just put a heavy jacket, hat,gloves,and scarf

How does the Bahamas celebrate Christmas?

they dont have that much snow. whell they dont have any snow!

What clothing items do kids need to play in the snow?

Snow boots, snow pants, snow jacket and at least a layer or two of clothes underneath. + gloves