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Q: What is the best thing to do in an incomplete demonstration due to lack of time?
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Grass flowers are incomplete because they lack both petals and sepals.

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Incomplete proteins include Almond (nuts), grain and beans.

What is a common cause of incomplete combustion?

Incomplete combustion is most commonly caused by lack of oxygen. Partial oxidation can lead to many contaminants being released into the environment.

Can a parent homeschool their child even though the parent only has a GED?

Having not graduated from high school is not a demonstration of a lack of intelligence or learning.

Are there any freeways with dead ends?

Yes, many are incomplete due to lack of funding and have been left with dead ends.

The incomplete development of an organ due to a deficiency in the number of cells is known as?

Aplasia is the lack of normal development of a tissue or organ.

Is lack a noun?

Yes, the word 'lack' is both a verb and a noun.The noun 'lack' is a word for a deficiency or absence of something; a word for a thing.

What is Lack of continuity?

In the business world we are running like a horse. In this we face every thing and do so many thing for reach the particular goal in the same we miss something for negligence or careless of the particular thing, so lack of continuity will arise for the negligence.

Why expert systems fail?

Expert systems can fail due to outdated or incomplete knowledge base, lack of adaptability to new scenarios, inability to handle uncertain or incomplete information, and over-reliance on rules or heuristics without considering real-world context.

What is the thing the poor have the rich don't have?

Lack of money.

Why does she stab people in the back?

Because she thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread. She stabs people in the back to overcompensate for her lack of compassion and her insecurity problems.

What is sooty and non sooty flame and why it is occurred?

sooty flame refers to the flame produces after burning, which shows incomplete combustion, i.e, insufficient supply of oxygen.