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Sometimes rejection just can't be helped. Definitely get micro dermals instead of a surface bar to make things go smoother. Be cautious when getting dressed and put bandages on them before bed so that you don't rip them out in your sleep. Keep them clean just like any other piercing!

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Q: What is the best thing to do in order to reduce the chance of migration and rejection with an Anti Eyebrow piercing?
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What is the affect of piercing in the eyebrow?

It can get infected easily. It has a high chance of rejection which will leave a scar.

Which is better anti -eye brow piercings or the Monroe?

Monroe. Because an anti- eyebrow piercing has a very large chance of rejecting, because its a surface piercing.

What are the complications of a surface piercing?

Any piercing can get infected easily. Surface piercings have an extremely high chance of rejection. Meaning your skin will probably push it out.

How do you pierce your sternum?

You shouldn't. Get microdermal implants. They cost about £50 ($78 US/$82 CAD) They're pretty painless and safe - less chance of rejection. Call your local piercing studio to find out more.

Can you pierce your eyebrow with an earring?

If you're talking about piercing your own eyebrow with an earring, then probably not. It's not sharp enough to pierce the skin. You need a sterilized needle. However, it's not recommended to give yourself piercings on your own unless you are a professional. Infection is more likely and so is the chance of screwing up. If you're asking about putting in an earring into where you've had your eyebrow pierced (instead of a different form of body jewelery) than it's not too hard as long as it's big enough. Just make sure you clean it before taking it from one piercing to the next.

How long should you wait before repiercing migrated navel?

You should wait 3-4 months to allow the previous piercing to fully heal. You do not want to add another problem onto an existing one. Keep in mind that if it migrated once, it is a good chance it will migrate again. A lot of times, people are just prone to migration and rejection. Your body sees it as a foreign object and tries to get it out. Good luck!

Is it safe to pierce your eyebrow when pregnant?

The difference between getting a piercing when pregnant or not is that if something goes wrong, you have two to think about - yourself and the fetus. If you get some kind of infection and it carries over to your blood, there is a chance the baby will contract it too, which could be extremely dangerous for an undeveloped baby.

Will a straight bar always be rejected when getting a surface piercing?

Undoubtedly yes! The reason for this is the tension that is on the bar inducing unneeded trauma to the fresh piercing. You will HAVE to get a flesh staple bar, and it is important to note that surface piercings have a notorious rejection rate even if you have a staple in it. Keep an eye on it, and keep to a religious piercing regiment. Not just with antibacterial soap, but also with tea tree oil to reduce the chance of developing keoilds, which are quite common with surface piercings.

What is the chance of dying from a tongue piercing?

depends on who you go to or will you be stupid and do it yourself

Could you get a abscess in your mouth from getting your tongue periced?

It is possible but only if you dont clean the piercing. If you clean the piercing then it is a very slim chance.

What are the health risks for lip piercings?

Any piercing has a chance of getting infected.

What risks are there of cartilage piercing?

When using a piercing gun (such as those they use at Claires) the collapse of your ear cartilage is a possibility. Also, with any piercing, there is the chance of infection if not cleaned properly as instructed by your piercer.