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It is important that you do not try to breec from a female that is younger than two years of age as it could be potentially dangerous and detrimental to their health and mental well-being. Most breeders will only mate females for the first time once they are over three years old as this carries almost no risk to the dog's health. Staffordshire Bull Terriers are on heat for 10-14 days in which time they will bleed and attract males. If you want to breed from your female, pay for a good stud dog and take your Staffy to mate AT THE STUD DOG'S PROPERTY. Then to be sure of a successful mating, you may wish to return with your female one or two days later for another mating to increase thec chances of conception.

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Q: What is the best time to breed a staffy when on heat?
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Female dogs "go into heat" randomly, about twice a year. You should not breed her until she is about 3 years old, and you should have her checked out by a vet before you start.

What age should you breed a staffy?

Almost all breeds of dog come into season twice a year for 10-14 days. Every six months your Staffy should come into season (or heat) and will attract other males. Your female will continue to do this until the age of about 8 or 9 years old unless she is spayed. Spaying can be beneficial to the dog's health as it can prevent mammary tumours and life-threatening womb infections.

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Dogs come into season, or heat, once every six months for 10-14 days. This is the only time she will be able to mate and become pregnant. As of the best age, your bitch should be about three years old - although it is possible to breed from her after she has had two seasons but this is not recommended.