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Q: What is the best treatment for a man with prostate cancer?
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What are the latest methods of early detection and treatment for prostate cancer?

The best way to detect and prevent is to get regular prostate exams. After the age or forty a man should have them once a year.

When is prostate cancer the most prominent?

The peak incidence for prostate cancer is 67 years of age, but a man's risk of developing prostate cancer rises with age.

Can a man with prostate cancer get you pregnant?

yes he can

Can a prostate cancer survivor father a baby?

This depends on the prostate cancer treatment. If the treatment includes radiation, it is recommended to have sperm removed prior to treatment, which can be implanted in the women. If the treatment included no radiation, but removal of the prostate gland, than a man can have children via IVF, where sperm are removed and implanted in the woman.

What is it likelihood of a man dying of prostate cancer compared to his likelihood of getting prostate cancer?

Usually, a man will die from something other than prostate cancer because it is a slow moving disease, and it usually affects older men. There are certain fast moving types of prostate cancer that if contracted by a younger man in their 40's may well be the cause of their death.

How do you put prostate in a sentence?

prostate cancer is deadly The old man had difficulty urinating because he had an enlarged prostate.

How does the Prostate Work?

The prostate gland is a small walnut shaped gland that is part of the male reproductive system. The prostate makes a white milky substance that mixes with sperm during ejaculation, to coat sperm as it makes it journey from the man's body into the woman's body.

Does having intercourse if a man has prostate cancer increase chances of cancer spreading?

No. Sex does not cause cancer to spread.

How long a can man survive on hormone therapy with prostate cancer?

It varies from person to person. But my father lasted almost 8 years before he died from prostate cancer.

What is a psa count of 6?

PSA stands for Prostate Specific Antigen. The prostate is constantly renewing itself or growing. At the same time, the body is producing antigens to try to destroy the prostate as if it were a foreign body. The faster the prostate produces new cells, the faster the body produces PSA.. If there is a cancer in the prostate, the cancer cells are prostate cells, but they are produced much faster than normal prostate cells. As a result, when the man has prostate cancer, it can be detected by measuring his PSA. The PSA reading must be compared to the individual's normal PSA reading to know whether he has prostate cancer. When a prostate cancer is being treated, the PSA reading can be compared to earlier PSA readings to determine whether the cancer is receding or growing. A PSA of 6 is rather high and probably indicates there is prostate cancer growth.

How can you have prostate cancer with a normal PSA?

PSA is just one indicator of prostate health. It can be very high and a man will not necessarily have prostate cancer. One the other hand, it can be at a normal level and cancer may still be present. It is no guarantee one way or the other.

Can cancer make a man sterile?

It depends on where the cancer is. However the treatment for cancer can.