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Hi there, My name is bugzly12 and i recommend getting a red eared slider or a yellow bellied slider. I have 2 turtles that are perfect in there fish tank. But you do need these thing in your tank. 1. filter 2.basking area 3. uva/uvb light 4.heater 5.a digital thermometre 7. coloured pebbles 8. real or fake plants 10.turtle 11.something for the turtle to teeth on so its mandible doesnt enlarge Hope these tips help you! Bugzly12-good luck with ur turtle(s)

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Q: What is the best turtle for a 10 gallon fish tank and any other things I need to know when setting up a new tank?
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Where would a slider turtle go if it escaped captivity?

The slider turtle would go to a pond or other fresh water body o water. A place where it would be happy with friend turtles, food, and other things they need.

Where can you get a cheap Turtle?

most pet store sell turtles fairly cheap, although this is not a cheap pet to own, they require a source of uv, an aquarium, a heat lamp, water filters, and other things. you are looking at a very basic enclosure to last about a year running about $100-$150, as I said this will only last for about a year then the turtle will out grow the inviroment and need a bigger tank. also if you plan to get a turtle, the filtration needs to be at least 3 times that of the tank, so if you have a 30 gallon tank you need a 90 gallon filter, or 50 gallon tank 150 gallon filter. they are very messy eater's and poop alot, so it's very hard to keep the water clean without proper filtration. while most pet stores sell turles for $5 to $15 that is the smallest of the expenses.

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