

What is the best type of compost to use?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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red worms.

They eat the kitchen left overs and make fantastic organic compost that can even be used with house plants.

It can be bought commercially or you can have your own worm bin (use a plastic container with holes in the lid) and feed it kitchen left overs and coffee grounds.

So easy my first grade class does it with no smell in the classroom. Good luck!

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Q: What is the best type of compost to use?
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The best way to improve soil for gardening is to use compost. Plants need food and it is better to use compost than fertilizer as long as the compost is aged and the right type for the plant. Test your soil and know what you need.

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Compost is great for plants absolutely the best thing! All of the nutrients from the food are absorbed into the compost. Yes! Use it!

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All leaves will compost.

What plants can use ericaceous compost?

Vegetation which favors acidic soil pH ranges and which resist lime treatments is the type of plant that can use ericaceous compost. The type of compost in question responds to the above-mentioned needs which are hallmarks of heath and heather family members. Azaleas, magnolias, and rhododendrons tend to be the most commonly cited examples.

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How to Choose the Right Compost for Organic Gardening?

Organic gardeners often use compost to improve the quality of the soil in their gardens. Compost is organic material that has been broken down, or decomposed, until it looks like a rich, healthy soil. In fact, that’s exactly what it is once it has finished decomposing. However, not all compost is the same. Compost made from different types of organic material may contain different concentrations of nutrients, and the compost can be affected by the method of composting used to create it as well.When you buy compost at a gardening center, you usually do not know what ingredients were used to create the compost. If the label on the compost indicates that it is biological, then it is likely to have been made from some type of plant material. This type of compost usually has holes in the bag to allow the microbes to breathe. Biological is the most desirable type of commercially sold compost.Commercial compost is usually made from manure or sewage sludge. It is usually much cheaper than biological compost but more expensive than industrial compost. Industrial compost may contain waste products such as ash from a boiler, sawdust and rice hulls. Beware of purchasing this type of compost because it may contain toxic salts. It can also be highly alkaline, which may or may not be desirable depending on what you are growing. This type of compost is not the best kind to use for organic gardening.The best way to be sure that you are getting quality compost for your organic garden is to make your own. That way, you know exactly what has been put into it. There are three ways to create your own compost. You can use aerobic composting, anaerobic composting or vermicomposting. Vermicomposting produces the highest quality of compost. In this method, you feed organic matter to worms. Their castings make up the vermicompost.Anaerobic composting is the least desirable method to use for composting. However, it is also the easiest. With this method, you simply pile up your organic wastes and let them sit for a couple of years. However, this method takes a long time and can generate a nasty smell, so it is not the most popular way to create compost.The most popular way to create your own compost for organic gardening is by using the aerobic method. This method requires turning the compost pile every few days to mix the organic material with air and encourage the bacteria to grow. This type of composting is usually done in a compost bin. Regardless of which method you use, your compost will have more nutrients if you use a variety of plant-based organic materials in your compost pile.

Can you use organic compost with camellias?

Yes. You can use organic compost to grow anything.

Why do you use compost?

Compost can help your plants grow better

What is Main type of biomass?
