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Vegetation which favors acidic soil pH ranges and which resist lime treatments is the type of plant that can use ericaceous compost. The type of compost in question responds to the above-mentioned needs which are hallmarks of heath and heather family members. Azaleas, magnolias, and rhododendrons tend to be the most commonly cited examples.

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Q: What plants can use ericaceous compost?
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Is ericaceous compost right for acer's?

Acers will be quite happy in an ericaceous compost.

Do all shrubs love ericaceous compost?

No, not all shrubs love ericaceous compost. The compost in question offers amendment, fertilizer, and mulch possibilities to shrubs (and other woody, as well as non-woody, plants) that favor soils whose pH measures in the acidic range. The word ericaceous references plants in the Ericaceae family, commonly called the heath or heather family even though it includes such even more famous plants as azaleas and rhododendrons.

Is mushroom compost good for hydrangeas?

No, mushroom compost is not good for hydrangeas. The flowering plants in question may be sensitive to soil fungi. Mushroom compost works well for acid-loving plants even though in this case ericaceous compost is the best choice.

Do maples like ericaceous compost?

Yes, maples like ericaceous compost. The kind of dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost in question tends to be associated with the Ericaceae family of heaths and heathers. But members of the Acer genus also tend to handle a compost that appeals to plants that prefer soil pHs in the acidic range.

Does Acer negundo 'flamingo' like ericaceous compost?

Yes, Acer negundo 'flamingo' likes ericaceous compost. The dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich compost in question makes Ericaceae (heath and heather) family members and select other plants happy. It serves as soil amendments, fertilizers, mulches, and rejuvenators for plants such as box elder (Acer negundo).

When do you use ericaceous compost?

Autumnal, spring, and summer fertilization schedules is the time to use ericaceous compost. The compost in question references the needs of plants that prefer soils more in the acidic soil pH ranges and that respond disastrously to lime treatments. It responds therefore to the requirements of such Ericaceae plant family members as azaleas, heathers, heaths, magnolias, and rhododendrons.

What does ericaceous mean?

Plants that do not grow in soils and contain lime are called ericaceous plants. Ericaceous plants include camellia, Pieris, rhododendron, Japanese maples.

What plants are acid loving are tomatoes acid loving?

"Ericaceous" plants. No, Tomatoes are not ericaceous

Do tree ferns like eracateous compost?

Ericaceous compost is lime-free and more acidic than most composts. Tree ferns are slow growing architectural plants with spreading fronds above a thick trunk and they like eracateous compost.

Does Buddleia need ericaceous compost?

Yes, Buddleia needs the ericaceous type if compost is to be used. The butterfly bush in question numbers among the world's woody plants which favor a more acidic soil -- in this case, pH levels of 5.5 - 6.5 -- even though adequate space and sunlight as well as good drainage will support growth in neutral soils. Buddleia will grow in any reasonable soil, it is not ericaceous.

What is ericaceous compost used for?

Acidic compost for plants that love acid conditions, like azaleas, rhododendrons, blueberries, camellias, heathers, magnolias--if you've been told to 'acidify the soil' use some ericaceous material, and everything will turn out great! It's apparently primarily a UK term, in the US, just ask for acidic compost/mulching materials.

What compost should be used for magnolias?

Ericaceous is the type of compost that should be used for magnolias. The flowering plant in question may be grouped with such acidic soil pH-loving, lime-hating vegetation as azaleas and rhododendrons. It therefore requires the ericaceous compost which heath and heather family members favor.