

What is the best way of clearing your system of drugs?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Drink lots and lots of water morning, noon and night. Also exercise regularly. And stop doing drugs!

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Q: What is the best way of clearing your system of drugs?
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No such method exists. The best way is to not take drugs

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No. The drugs stay in your fat cells and hair. Best way is not to use drugs instead of trying to beat the system.

What is the best way to clean your system of drugs?

drink water & wait a few days. only time can clean your system

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Time is the only way to remove drugs from you system, it all has to flush out of your system. some drugs take days others months and years

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"Stop taking it and wait" is the only way to "get most drugs out of your system".

How do you get drugs Methamphetamine or Ice out of your system for a drug test?

It takes 2-4 weeks for most drugs to filter completely out of your system. The easiest way to beat a drug test not do drugs.

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You wait. The only way to get rid of illegal drugs is to wait until they are out of your system. There is no magic substance that "cleans" drugs out of your system.

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The safest way to dispose of legal drugs is to take them to the police department or flush them in the toilet.

What if you got a drug test tomorrow how can you clean your system?

This is not possible. The only way to pass this test is to wait until all of the drugs are out of your system. Or to not put drugs in your system in the first place.

What is the best way to sell heroin?

How about you don't sell drugs

What can be done to speed up xanax out of your urine?

There really is no way to speed up drugs out of your system. It takes about 3 to 4 weeks to fully filter your system of drugs.

How do you reduce the effects of the drug ice?

There is absolutely no way to reduce the effects of the drug ICE on your system. The best thing to do is abstain from usage of all illegal and dangerous drugs.