

What is the best way to build a business?

Updated: 4/25/2023
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10y ago

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There are many ways you can build a business, but first, you would have to first figure out what kind of business you’re interested in investing in.

E-commerce business

Affiliate business

Service-based businesses like


marketing agency,




Freelancer etc..

Once you know the type of business you want to build, the next big thing is figuring out WHO you want to buy from you.

At first, you’ll probably think everyone! You might want to maximize your exposure and have money coming from everyone’s pockets but trust that’s not the way. It’s crucial to start with an ideal buyer in mind. Be as specific as you can because not everyone will want to buy from you, that’s just how it is. No business pleases everyone. So you have to know who exactly would find value in what you’re selling. That’s why there are so many different brands in the same industry. People connect with different brands for various reasons. What would be your audience's reason for connecting with you? How does your business differ from others in the industry?

Are you cheaper?

Closer (if you're doing a local business),

Are you more experienced or more creative with out-of-the-box approaches,

Does your product work faster, does it achieve faster results?

You get the idea.

Once you pinpoint how or why your business is different from the next, choose a platform to communicate with them on. Yes, COMMUNICATE.

NOT promote

NOT market


You want it to influence conversations. You want them to develop an emotional attachment to you and your business so they not only become customers but loyal customers. Customers that will do business with you over and over again regardless of someone selling something better. Why would they do this? Because they developed an emotional attachment to your brand. It’s like a relationship between the customer and the brand. A relationship that, if done right, your customers will feel like it would be an act of betrayal if they went anywhere else.

Once you have your target audience and chose a platform, it’s time to think content!

What kind of content do you want to create to interact and communicate with your audience?

There are many content options like video, blogging, podcast, newsletter, and more.

You can do more research to find even more options, but this can get you started and spark some ideas!

Whatever you choose, just be consistent, develop a strong fanbase, and even when it gets tough, or you begin to lose hope… keep going. The secret to successful and unsuccessful businesses is PERSISTENCE! Keep that with you, and you’ll not only start a business, but you’ll start one that’ll bring you results.

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Sophia Cherrywood

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Here are some outlined tips on how to grow a massive audience for your business using social media platforms to connect with your customers, increase brand awareness and generate more leads to help increase revenue rate in the shortest time possible.

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10y ago

There are many great ways to build a business. The best way to build a business is coming up with a great and unique idea and gathering together a great team.

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