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by having surgery to fix it

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Q: What is the best way to help my herniated disc symptoms?
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What are some treatment options for herniated disc?

Due to the discomfort experienced, consult a doctor immediately when herniated disc symptoms occur, such as severe back pain. Doing research at the library may help you learn about a herniated disc and possible treatments. However, your doctor will be able to discuss specific causes and treatments that pertain to your particular lifestyle, providing suggestions and prescription medication if necessary.

Where can I go for Herniated Disc Treatment?

Although a cervical herniated disc may originate from some sort of trauma or injury to the cervical spine, the symptoms start spontaneously. It usually develops in the 30-50 year old age group.

Can a herinated disc in the neck region cause a migraine?

The type of headache a herniated disc usually causes is most frequently Cervicogenic Headache. However, the pain and spasms from a herniated disc may also trigger Migraine in a susceptible individual. For proper diagnosis and treatment, seek the help of a headache specialist.

What does it mean when you have c migraine headache for approximately four months that does not go away numbness down your left side and in your jaw?

If you are in constant migraine pain, along with constant neurological symptoms such as numbness, it may not be a migraine at all. It is important to seek the help of a neurologist to rule out other causes, such as a herniated disc or a stroke.

Can a slipped disc in the neck cause dizziness and headaches How long does it take for the symptoms of a slipped disc to go away?

A slipped disc in the neck, also known as a cervical herniated disc, can indeed cause a range of symptoms, including dizziness and headaches. In this comprehensive article, we will explore the connection between cervical herniated discs and these symptoms. Understanding Cervical Herniated Discs Before delving into the relationship between cervical herniated discs and symptoms like dizziness and headaches, it's essential to understand what a herniated disc is. The spine consists of a series of vertebrae, and between these vertebrae are soft, cushion-like structures called intervertebral discs. These discs have a tough outer layer (annulus fibrosus) and a jelly-like inner core (nucleus pulposus). A herniated disc occurs when the inner core protrudes through the outer layer. In the cervical spine (neck region), a herniated disc can put pressure on nearby nerves or the spinal cord itself. This pressure can lead to various symptoms depending on the location and severity of the herniation. Symptoms of Cervical Herniated Discs Cervical herniated discs can manifest in a variety of ways. While neck pain is a common symptom, they can also cause referred pain and neurological symptoms. Two of the most concerning symptoms associated with cervical herniated discs are dizziness and headaches. 1. Dizziness: Vertigo: The pressure on cervical nerves or the spinal cord can disrupt the balance and coordination centers in the brain, leading to vertigo. Vertigo is characterized by a spinning sensation and can be quite debilitating. Cervicogenic Dizziness: This is a specific type of dizziness linked to neck problems like cervical herniated discs. It often presents as unsteadiness and dizziness when moving the neck. 2. Headaches: Cervicogenic Headaches: Cervicogenic headaches result from referred pain originating in the neck. The pain typically radiates from the neck to the head, often on one side, and can be mistaken for migraines or tension headaches. The Connection between Cervical Herniated Discs and Dizziness/Headaches The link between cervical herniated discs and dizziness or headaches lies in the nerve compression and irritation caused by the herniation. When a herniated disc in the neck compresses nerves or affects blood flow, it can disrupt the normal functioning of the nervous system. This disruption can lead to various symptoms, including dizziness and headaches. Dr. Rao K. Ali: Pain Management Specialist in Fort Worth If you are experiencing dizziness and headaches due to a cervical herniated disc, it is essential to seek professional medical advice. Dr. Rao K. Ali is a highly qualified pain management specialist practicing in Fort Worth, Texas, who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of spine-related pain conditions, including herniated discs. Treatment Options for Cervical Herniated Discs Dr. Rao K. Ali offers a range of treatment options for cervical herniated discs, customized to each patient's specific needs. Some of the common treatments available at the Pain Management Clinic in Fort Worth include: Physical Therapy: Physical therapy exercises can help strengthen the neck muscles, improve flexibility, and alleviate pain. Medication Management: Dr. Ali may prescribe medications to manage pain, inflammation, and neurological symptoms. Epidural Steroid Injections: These injections can provide targeted pain relief by reducing inflammation and pressure on the affected nerves. Minimally Invasive Procedures: In some cases, minimally invasive procedures like cervical epidural nerve blocks or radiofrequency ablation may be recommended to provide long-term pain relief. Surgical Consultation: If conservative treatments are ineffective, Dr. Ali can refer you to a qualified spine surgeon for a surgical evaluation. Duration of Symptoms and Prognosis The duration of symptoms associated with a cervical herniated disc can vary from person to person. Factors that influence the timeline for symptom resolution include: Severity of Herniation: The extent of disc herniation and the degree of nerve compression play a significant role. More severe herniations may take longer to heal. Treatment Approach: The type of treatment received can also impact recovery time. Some patients experience rapid relief with conservative treatments, while others may require more extensive interventions. Individual Factors: Your overall health, age, and the presence of other medical conditions can affect your body's ability to heal. Compliance with Treatment: Following the prescribed treatment plan and recommendations from Dr. Ali is essential for a successful outcome.

Common Causes of a Herniated Disc, Treatment and Prevention?

When the discs that cushion the spine break open or begin to bulge, a herniated disc develops. While many individuals with a herniated disc are completely unaware, others feel intense pain. Muscle weakness, pain in the shoulders, arms, buttocks or legs and a feeling of numbness or tingling in the arms or legs are the main symptoms of a herniated disc. Since herniated discs are relatively common, this article discusses typical causes, treatment options and preventative methods.CausesDisc degeneration, which typically occurs as a result of aging, is one of the main causes of a herniated disc. Discs lose some of their flexibility and become dry over time, which can cause them to rupture. A back injury caused by sports, lifting heavy objects and improper lifting techniques can also result in a herniated disc.TreatmentIn most cases of a herniated disc, a conservative treatment approach is the most effective. This includes taking over-the-counter or prescription medications to relieve pain, muscle relaxers, cortisone injections and medications that relieve nerve pain. Rest, and applying a heating pad or ice pack can also reduce pain. In most cases, these conservative treatment options will relieve pain as the bulging disc lessens over a period of a few weeks.A physical therapist can design a treatment plan that includes strengthening exercises and stretching to increase flexibility. Engaging in regular exercise can help strengthen muscles surrounding the back and abdominals and minimize pain. If conservative treatments are not helpful in reducing pain, surgery may be considered.PreventionSustaining a healthy weight is a necessary component in preventing a herniated disc, since excess pounds can place pressure and strain on the discs that protect the back and can cause them to bulge or break open. Utilizing proper lifting techniques by lifting with the legs, avoiding twisting and turning while lifting and never bending at the waist while lifting can provide protection for the back and reduce the risk of disc herniation.Herniated discs can also be prevented by ensuring that the back is straight and in alignment while walking and sitting. An exercise program that focuses on the core muscles can help provide support for the spine and strengthen muscles.

What types of treatment are available for herniated discs?

That depends on the cause of the pain and whether the pain is of recent onset or chronic (ongoing, longstanding). If you do not already know the causative factor/s of the pain, first check with you own physician/general practitioner. In my experience, for chronic pain a TENS machine (used with your physician/general practitioner's blessing) can provide effective natural pain relief for many (but not all) people. You can buy them for home use and they are about the size of a mobile 'phone.

Treatments for a Bulging Disc?

The terms bulging disc, pinched nerve, herniated disc and ruptured disc are used interchangeably and this causes much confusion. All of these terms refer to problems with a disc and accompanying pain. The disc is the cushion between vertebrae and when some of the substance on the inside leaks out through the exterior layer, the disc becomes herniated. This can cause a pinched nerve and lead to pain and numbness.Symptoms and DiagnosisPain often accompanies a bulging disc and the location of the pinched nerve will determine its location. A pinched nerve caused by a bulging disc in the lower part of the spine will cause leg pain referred to as sciatica. Pain in the arm or shoulder is caused by a disc problem in the neck. Other symptoms include numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness.The first step in diagnosing a bulging disc is a physical exam where the doctor will test nerve function and muscle strength. Other diagnostic tests include X-rays, MRI, CT scan, myelogram, and nerve tests.Treatments for a Bulging Disc90 percent of people with a bulging disc find relief with exercise and pain medication along with avoiding certain positions. If the pain is severe and does not respond to OTC medication, your doctor may prescribe stronger drugs for overall pain or nerve pain. If you have muscle spasms, muscle relaxers may help and cortisone injections have help reduce inflammation.A physical therapist can help by showing you certain exercise to do that will alleviate pain. Over time, you will be able to advance to exercises that will help strengthen and stabilize your back to help avoid problems in the future. Other treatments include temporary braces, traction, applying heat or ice, and electrical stimulation.In a small percentage of cases, surgery will be required. Usually the part of the disc that is protruding is removed but sometimes the entire disc has to be removed. If that is the case, then the two adjoining vertebrae will be fused together for stability or an artificial disc will be implanted.

How do you clean a ps2 disc?

With care not to scratch the disc, if the disc is already scratched the cleaning will not help

Are there any alternative treatments for a herniated disc?

There are a few alternate treatments, although they might not be as good. You can choose to go to physical therapy. It can stablize your lumber spine muscles. Using hot and cold methods can help reduce pain. You can also take steroid medications that are to be ingested.

What operation is performed to relieve the symptoms of a slipped disk?

Some good spinal exercises include trunk lifts and planks, as these exercises do not add stress to your spine and help build and strengthen the muscle around your spine. To fix a disk, though, requires professional physical therapy.

How do you clean a disc that says disc is unreadable?

A disc can easily be cleaned with a soft cloth and light water. If this does not help, the disc may need to be resurfaced.