

What is the best way to keep grass green?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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water and fertilizer

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Q: What is the best way to keep grass green?
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How to get my grass back to green cheap and easy?

The best way to get your grass back to green in a cheap and easy way is to make sure it gets plenty of water every day.

What is the best way to keep the world clean and green?

do no litter recycle go on buses, or ride a bike

Why is green grass when the seeds you sow are not green?

Because God made it that way. Also just use wikipedia it will have the answer.

Is synthetic grass easy to maintain?

Synthetic grass can be easy to maintain with a few simple steps. You must be sure to keep your synthetic grass clean and free of debris. The best way to keep synthetic grass clean is to let the rain wash it, then use a brush/broom to sweep away any debris that will be able to penetrate the turf.

What do grass sweepers do to your yard?

Grass sweepers pick up cut grass and leaves after you mow the lawn. It is the most effective way to keep the grass clean and free of debris.

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The best way to keep an erection is to stay aroused.

How do you maintain a green lawn?

Keeping a lawn a rich green color can be very hard work. A simple way to remove weeds from a lawn is to use sugary water around the bass of the weed. To keep the actual grass green, I suggest watering lightly three to four times a day. Avoid watering around mid day as this is when the sun is at its peak, and will burn your grass.

How come is grass green?

the grass is green becasue of an chemical in it called hydro. poride.the grass is green becasue of an chemical in it called hydro. poride.I would think it would be because of the chloroplast in the green grass that is essential for photosynthesis. All plants I thought that are green and undergo photosynthesis contain chloroplast in order to capture he suns rays. By the way if you want to get really down to it grass is every color but green because what you are seeing is only the unabsorbed light that is bouncing off the grass and hitting your eye. so it is essentially every color but green if you think bout it. Just a little mind twist.

What type of weed control is the best way to ensure a healthy green lawn?

If you don't want to kill your existing grass, you should use a weed control spray or chemical that won't harm your existing grass too much. This can be expensive or difficult to find!

What is the best grass seed to plant in Central Virginia?

If your planting grass seed its best to plant it in the fall in September. that way the grass seed doesn't ocmpete with any weeds. If your planting sod do it early spring or in fall.

What symbolize to the primary colors?

It could be answered this way,-red as a beet, green as grass yellow as a sunflower.

What lawn product helps decompose dead grass in lawn?

Your turf loves water anyway, and that is the best way to decompose the dead grass; frequent watering, several 5 minute waterings a day preferable, the idea being to keep it moist.